chapter 3

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Emily watched her go and just couldn't stop smiling. Within a minute the blonde returned with a bottle of wine.

"That was fast!" Emily said.


"Please." Emily lifted her glass and JJ filled up her glass then her own before putting the bottle down on the lawn and resumed her position in the swing.

"So, what do you do?"

"I thought maybe you would've forgotten about that question by the time I returned." JJ said.

"What? You were gone for like 30 seconds. Come on already, just tell me." Emily pushed.

"Fine, I work for an insurance company. It's not the most glamorous job in the world but it pays well and I have every weekend off so...I have great colleagues and overall, I like it there. " JJ said.

Emily nodded as she took a sip of her wine.

"That's great Jennifer, the main thing is that you like your job then it doesn't really matter what you do. And I'd say working for a insurance company is impressive." Emily said.

"Please, interesting maybe but definitely not impressive." JJ countered.

"I think you're interesting..." Emily half whispered. The words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

That was so not what I'd planned to say... dammit!

Thankfully Jennifer rescued the situation before it would get awkward.

"Well I think you're interesting too, agent Prentiss." JJ said back with a smile and Emily thanked God Jennifer didn't read anything more into that sentence.

"Tell me more about yourself." JJ put her legs up on the swing and turned so she was facing the brunette.

"What do you wanna know?" Emily asked and put her elbow up on the backrest and put her hand behind her neck and rubbed it slowly as she turned towards Jennifer.

"I don't know." JJ pondered for a while.

Do I go there? No. Yes, why not? She said she was out...

"When did you realize you were gay?" JJ said softly, hoping that she wasn't too blunt.

"Wow, you just jump straight to it don't you?" Emily said playfully and JJ was relieved she hadn't overstepped any boundary.

"Yep, I'm pretty straightforward." JJ said and winked.

Emily laughed.

"Indeed you are. But okay. I think somewhere deep down inside I always knew I was gay but it wasn't until my first year in college that I actually admitted it to myself. When I finally realized who I was it actually wasn't a hard thing for me to accept. I just felt so relieved that there wasn't anymore confusion, it was like all the pieces of the puzzle finally fitted together. I called my mother the morning after the new realization had hit me. My mom and I have always been close, I'm an only child and for as long as I can remember I've turned to her first with my problems and she's always helped me solve them. So calling her to tell her I was gay wasn't something I dreaded. I knew she'd be okay with it and the first thing she said to me when I told her was that she'd always love me no matter what and that she'd thought I would've called her sooner to tell her this news." Emily chuckled.

"She already knew?" JJ wondered.

"Yes, she'd known for years and the second thing she said was that a woman she worked with had a gay daughter and that she would arrange for us to meet. It took me a while to get out of that one."

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