chapter 7

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They had a very nice breakfast with lots of laughter. Elizabeth was thrilled to spend the next couple of days with just the girls. Since the day turned out brilliant Elizabeth suggested they spend the day by the lake. Both Emily and JJ thought it was a great idea but then it dawned on Emily that spending a day by the lake would mean spending a day in a bikini. Not that she had a problem with that, the problem was that Jennifer would probably also wear a bikini and that she had a problem with. From what she saw yesterday when JJ was in her minimal running gear, the blonde had an amazing body and just the thought of seeing her in even less clothing than that made her palms start to perspire.

She helped clear the table then went back to the boat house to get changed. Standing in front of the mirror she inspected her outfit for the umpteenth time, she was wearing a black halterneck bikini top and black and blue swim shorts. She knew she was fit, working as an FBI agent required her to be in shape and she spent a lot of time at the gym, but she'd never felt comfortable wearing bikini pants. It made her feel exposed and really uncomfortable. She stepped away from the mirror, grabbed a towel and headed down to the lake.


She was the first one there so she threw her towel on one of the two sunloungers that stood close to the water's edge and started to wade out in the water. It really was hot as hell and the sun seemed to show no mercy, she squinted up at the sky but there was not a could as far as the eye could see. When the water reached her waist she threw herself forward and dived down under the surface. It was so refreshing and it really cooled her off. Swimming around for a while she emerged from the water just as her mother and Jennifer made their way down to the lake.

Jennifer was walking half a step behind Elizabeth and was very thankful for that when her eyes fell on a dripping wet Emily that was wading towards them and suddenly she halted. She swallowed hard as drops of water trickled down Emily's very toned body, her eyes took in her muscular arms and then landed on her very toned abs. My God the woman really had a body to die for and the blonde found it really hard to stop looking at her. She was thankful Elizabeth brought her out of her admiration spell and told her to bring her the picnic basket she was carrying.

Emily dried herself with the towel, trying desperately to focus on anything but the blonde who was wearing a blue bikini and looked beyond gorgeous. The color of the swimwear really emphasized her eyes which looked even bluer. God she was so beautiful and Emily didn't know how much longer she could pretend she wasn't insanely attracted to her.

It's gonna be a long day...

"How was the water?" Jennifer asked as she took a seat in the lounger next to Emily.

"It was great! So refreshing." Emily answered as she toweled her hair.

"In that case I think I'll follow your lead." Jennifer said and walked down to the water and dived right in.

"Go for it!" Emily replied just before Jennifer disappeared below the surface.

"God the water is lovely!" she called out when she resurfaced.

"I think I'll stay here for the rest of the day." she said and floated around on her back.

Elizabeth stood knee deep in the water.

"I don't know, isn't it a bit cold?" she said.

"Cold? It's lovely! Come on Elizabeth!" JJ encouraged.

"Good luck with that. Mom has not let the water reach higher than her thighs for the past eight years at least. If you look up the word 'aquaphobia" you'll find a picture of mom." Emily chuckled.

Elizabeth turned and gave her daughter a stern look.

"I do not have a phobia for water young lady!" Elizabeth stated.

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