chapter 20

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They left early next morning and Jennifer insisted that they would drive up to the cabin together, she couldn't bear to drive her own car and have Emily in another. She needed the other woman beside her and she was clutching the brunette's hand tightly as Emily drove.


When they reached Minocqua Jennifer was really nervous. Emily parked the car outside a cafe, turned off the engine and turned to the blonde who was still holding on to her hand tightly.

"You okay?" she asked tentatively.

"Not really... but... there's no turning back now..." Jennifer said and met Emily's eyes.

"I really wish you would let me come with you to the cabin..."

"Emily..." Jennifer pleaded.

"I know I know... it's probably not the best idea but I wanna be there for you..." Emily said and brought one hand up to cup the blonde's cheek.

"At least you're here, you're not four hours away. Just knowing that gives me strength to actually do this." Jennifer said and looked deep into Emily's eyes.

"Just... just promise that you'll call me if you need me. I'll make it there somehow, but promise me you'll call me." Emily said seriously.

Jennifer just looked at her and saw nothing but love reflected in Emily's brown eyes. She slowly leaned forward and kissed her tenderly.

"I promise." she whispered against Emily's lips before she kissed her again.

"Okay... Thank you." Emily said as she pulled back and met Jennifer's eyes again.

"What do you say about getting something to eat before you continue?" Emily suggested and played with Jennifer's fingers.

"I don't think I can eat to be honest but maybe I'll just have some coffee." the blonde replied.

Emily kissed her softly before she unfasten both of their seat belts and stepped out of the car.


After a very drawn-out coffee break and an even more drawn-out goodbye, Jennifer left Emily behind and started to drive the last few miles to Elizabeth's cabin.


When she stepped out of her car memories of what happened last time she was at the cabin washed over her. As she walked toward the cabin she glanced at the boat house and remembered the night she spent there with Emily. Thinking about it and everything else that had happened after that she just felt happy. She felt even more certain that she'd made the right decision, as if it was a decision in the first place. Emily had stolen her heart so completely and Jennifer had been hers since that first day. Those feelings gave her more courage to face her dad and actually tell him about how her life had taken a completely different and unexpected turn but how she would never ever want to change it back to how it was before.


Elizabeth came out of the cabin with a laundry basket and instantly spotted the very nervous looking blonde walking slowly towards the cabin. She put the basket down on the porch and walked down to greet the young woman.

"Jennifer. Hi sweetheart." Elizabeth said as she embraced the blonde.

"Hi Elizabeth. So good to see you." Jennifer replied and hugged the older woman back.

"How are you?" Elizabeth asked.

"Uhm... Honestly, not so good...I'm terrified really..." Jennifer answered honestly.

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