chapter 12

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They walked together back to the cottage and Elizabeth guided Jennifer to the couch then disappeared into the kitchen. She returned five minutes later with a plate of food and a glass of wine.

"I figured you could use a glass of wine." Elizabeth said kindly.

"Thank you. Yes I could really use a glass of wine." Jennifer said and managed a small smile.

She was so grateful, Elizabeth really had a heart of gold.


Jennifer had been really hungry after all and the food was delicious. Elizabeth had joined her on the couch and refilled her wine glass.

"Feeling better?" Elizabeth asked.

"As long as I don't think about it it feels better but it's really hard to not think about it..." Jennifer answered.

"I can understand that." Elizabeth said.

"Have... have you talked to her since she left?" Jennifer asked tentatively.

"No, she's turned off her phone. I've left messages though. She'll call me when she's ready." Elizabeth said.

"You know-" Elizabeth started but was interrupted by the sound of her phone.

Jennifer's heart started to beat faster when Elizabeth picked up her phone to see if it was Emily who was calling.

"It's Jack." Elizabeth said to Jennifer before she answered and noticed how the other woman's face fell.

Jennifer couldn't help but feel disappointed that it wasn't Emily who called. She leaned back against the cushions and her heart started to slow down again, until she heard Elizabeth's conversation with her father.

"Tomorrow? I thought you wouldn't be back until earliest Thursday?"

Jennifer's heart started to beat faster again. Would they be back tomorrow? She was so not ready to meet Nathan yet. He would know that something was up. She looked at Elizabeth again just as she ended the phone call.

"Obviously there was no fish and the weather forecast had changed so they've decided to cancel the trip and plan to make a new one in two weeks." Elizabeth explained.

The look on the blonde's face showed that she wasn't too happy about the news.

"Are you alright?" Elizabeth asked?

"No... no I'm not... I can't face Nathan now, he'll know something's up and I won't be able to act like nothing's wrong. I have zero poker face and Nate knows me so well, he'll know I'm keeping something from him! God! I'm not ready to deal with this! " Jennifer rambled feeling slightly panicked.

Elizabeth took her hand and tried to calm her down.

"It will be okay." Elizabeth said gently.

"I'm not so sure about that..." Jennifer said.


Emily was lying in her bed staring at the ceiling. The whole drive back she'd been in a daze and had no idea how she actually made it home. She'd gone from having the best night of her life to the worst day she'd ever experienced. Again she cursed herself for letting things go so out of control, acting like this wasn't really her. 'Control' was her middle name but being close to Jennifer made her so called 'control' completely eradicate. Then again, she'd never met anyone who made her feel like Jennifer did. She usually didn't fall in love easy, it was quite the opposite actually and the way she felt about the blonde made her question all her previous relationships. She realized that she'd actually never been in love before, not if being in love felt like she was feeling right now. She wanted to be with Jennifer, she wanted her to want her back and it killed her that it wouldn't happen. She would marry the perfect guy, have kids and probably get a dog. She would move on with her life. Just thinking about it made her heart shatter into thousands of pieces and she wasn't sure she would ever be able to put it back together again.

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