chapter 9

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Emily was also lying sleepless on top of the covers on her bed. She had one arm tucked behind her neck and the other draped over her stomach. So many feelings were running through her body and the more she thought about what had happened between them the more messed up the whole situation felt. She knew she had to do something, they were kind of stuck together for another couple of days. Sure Emily had her car so technically she could leave whenever but how would her leaving solve anything? It would probably have the opposite effect and confuse things even more. She sat up and put her feet on the floor and rubbed her hands over her face. Sighing she got up and walked over to the window and gazed out over the lake. The light from the moon reflected down on the dark water and gave the lake a somewhat mysterious glow. It was beautiful... so was Jennifer... God she was so beautiful, and sweet and funny and...

"Perfect..." Emily said softly.

She's perfect for me... She's everything I've ever been looking for and she makes me feel things I've never felt before... She's also taken... She has a fiance and is getting married but when she kissed me... Oh God when she kissed me... I know she felt something too...


JJ was still lying in bed very much awake when her phone suddenly beeped. Her heart started to beat faster before she even picked it up. She knew it was Emily. She reached for the phone and swallowed hard when she saw she had one new message from Emily Prentiss. The intense pounding in her chest echoed in her ears and she threw the phone down on the bed. This wasn't something she was ready to deal with now, no definitely not! Still, a minute later she picked up the phone again and read the message:

Are you awake?

She read those three words over and over again. Then typed back:


Emily stared at the phone.

She's awake... Of course she's awake... What do I say next? Gah! Here I was, just a few hours ago, complaining about how my mother always do things before she thinks them through...

She cursed her own stupidity but since she'd made the first move, obviously without thinking about the second, she would have to push through.

So what do I tell her? The truth or what I think she would want me to say?...

Jennifer waited impatiently for another message. It was like time stood still. After five very long minutes her phone beeped again:

I know it's wrong in every way but I can't stop thinking about it...

She didn't need to specify 'it', they were both very aware of what she was referring to.
Jennifer didn't know how to respond to that. She sat with the phone in her hand and started to reply an answer but then deleted it.


Emily's heart was beating really fast when she sat with her phone clutched in her hand. Her heart skipped a beat when it suddenly beeped indicating she had a new message.

I can't stop thinking about it either...


Jennifer thought her heart would jump out of her chest at any second, either that or she would have a heart attack cause it could not be healthy for the heart to be beating like this. She couldn't believe that she'd just sent that text back to Emily, that she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss too. Well it was definitely true but was it so wise to go there? She could very easily have sent something completely different, a lie. Why didn't she make something up or write that she was tired and that they could talk tomorrow? Why oh why did she write and send that she couldn't stop thinking about it either? Could she actually deal with this tonight? She really had no idea but since they would have to spend the next day together with Emily's mom they had to figure something out. Being all awkward around each other when Elizabeth was present would not go by unnoticed and she was not ready to deal with that.

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