chapter 27

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Emily's recovery had continued to be heading in the right direction and she was released from the hospital ten days after she'd woken up.

Now, a month after the shooting, she had returned to work but not fulltime. She only worked a couple of hours every day and was bound to desk duty which obviously sucked but she wasn't about to argue.

Jennifer had settled everything with Nathan and their house. He'd bought her part of the house so now she didn't have any unfinished business in Green Bay anymore. The furniture she would keep, she'd arranged to be stored until further notice. The day after Emily had woken up Jennifer had officially quit her job and since she had some savings and got a reasonable amount of money for her half of the house she wasn't in any rush to find a new job. She'd just been getting acquainted with this new town that now was her home and of course, she'd been taking care of Emily. There were a lot of things that the brunette indeed could manage on her own but the blonde hadn't let her lift a finger if there was a possibility it could somehow worsen her injury. So Emily just let her take care of her and she enjoyed every single second.


It still felt a bit unreal in a way, coming home to somebody. Emily couldn't count the times she'd been thinking that it was just a dream. A wonderful dream and she was certain she would wake up soon cause it really felt too good to be true. Every day when she came home from work, when she was standing outside the door to her, no... their apartment, she would feel the butterflies in her stomach doing summersaults just thinking about stepping inside where Jennifer were waiting.

Today wasn't any different but she was extra glad for the butterflies today. She'd had a shitty day really and she just wanted to snuggle up on the couch with her girlfriend and a glass of wine. Work had been, well a bitch really but it wasn't just the workload that had put her in a cranky mood. She'd seen her doctor today and she had her hopes up that she would be allowed to return to work full time but the doctor wanted her to continue work halftime for another two weeks. She was disappointed but the doctor reminded her that she had in fact been shot in the chest only a month ago and though she'd made a remarkably fast recovery, her body needed time to heal properly.

After her doctor's appointment she'd gone to work and when the pile of files on her desk didn't seem to decrease at all, well, her mood didn't exactly brighten.

Here she was now, outside their apartment trying to get her keys out of her front pocket while carrying two bags of takeaway Thai food and her work bag. Safe to say she wished she had an extra set of hands at that moment. With some effort she managed the task without dropping the food, which would have been a disaster cause she was really hungry and really didn't need anything else to make this day worse. Just as she turned the lock Jennifer opened the door from the inside.

"Oh hey! I thought I'd heard something." The blonde said and smiled when she saw her girlfriend's face.

"Hey, yeah... I had a little too much to carry I realized, so getting the keys out wasn't that easy." Emily said with a smile cause the second she met Jennifer's blue eyes her bad mood vanished.

"You should have just knocked."

Emily contemplated that for a second.

"Good point. I'll remember that next time" Emily said and winked.

Jennifer just smiled and leaned forward to brush her lips against Emily's before taking the bags out of her hands. Emily closed the door behind her and took off her coat before following the blonde into the kitchen where she'd already set the table.

"Aahhh it feels so good to be home" Emily sighed as she slumped down on one of the chairs.

Jennifer poured her a glass of wine and put it down in front of her and then stood behind Emily and put her hands on her shoulders. The brunette was really tensed but relaxed the second the other woman started to gently massage her.

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