chapter 22

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It was Sunday afternoon and they were having dinner. Jennifer hadn't talked to her father since she revealed the truth to him three days earlier. Emily had spoken to Elizabeth though and she said that they should lay low and let Jack get his head around everything. Jennifer felt as if the ball was in his court now, she'd told him the truth and the rest was up to him.

Emily was going back to work tomorrow but they'd already decided that Jennifer would stay with Emily for at least another week. The following week Jennifer's vacation was over and she had to return to work. She didn't even want to think about that but knew she was going to have to deal with it sooner rather than later.


The week passed way too fast for Jennifer's liking, and Emily's too for that matter. Emily had returned to work and Jennifer had been trying to keep busy at Emily's apartment. She'd cleaned and done the laundry and visited the recycling station but when Wednesday came Emily's apartment was beyond clean and it was just ridiculous to clean it again for the sake of keeping herself busy.

The rest of the week she'd done everything and nothing trying to occupy the days with something while Emily was working and before she knew it it was Sunday again and she had to go home...

She was inside Emily's bedroom packing her stuff into her bag. Emily stopped by the doorway and just looked at the blonde for a moment before she walked over to her and wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist from behind. Jennifer was a little startled but instantly relaxed in Emily's arms.

"Are you okay?" Emily said gently.

"Not really, but there's nothing I can do about this situation..." Jennifer said and sighed.

Emily held her tighter and placed a kiss on the side of her head.

"God I wish I could come with you... I hate the thought of you going back there all by yourself." Emily said and placed another tender kiss on Jennifer's head.

Jennifer turned in Emily's arms and put her own arms around Emily's neck and met her eyes.

"I know... and I really wish you could come with me too but you can't... It will be okay Emily..." Jennifer said, not sounding too convincing when she said that last part.

"Have you decided where you're gonna stay?" Emily asked.

"No...not yet... I'll just see how I feel when I get back." Jennifer answered.

Emily nodded then closed the distance between them and gave the blonde a soft kiss.

"I'm gonna miss you so much..." Emily whispered as she met Jennifer's eyes again.

Jennifer pulled the other woman close and held her tight. She really really didn't want to leave...

"I'm gonna miss you too... so so much..." she said softly and placed a kiss on Emily's neck.

She pulled back and met Emily's eyes then she kissed her tenderly. Emily pulled her closer and deepened the kiss briefly before slowly pulling back. When they parted they rested their foreheads against each others, their eyes still closed.

"I'm gonna get going... it's only going to be harder to say goodbye to you if I prolong it... So I'm gonna go..." Jennifer said and stepped out of Emily's embrace.

"Okay..." Emily said quietly as she watched the blonde return her focus to the bag on the bed.

Jennifer packed her last pieces of clothing into the bag and zipped it shut. She picked it up and turned around to face Emily again. She swallowed hard before she spoke, trying to keep it together.

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