chapter 14

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Jennifer was the first one to wake up the next morning. They had repositioned themselves in their sleep and as Jennifer slowly opened her eyes she was lying on her side and was met with Emily's peaceful face just a few inches away from her own. Emily's left arm was still around her waist and Jennifer's arms were tucked between their bodies. She lifted her right hand and pushed a few stray strands of brown hair behind Emily's ear then left her hand on the brunette's cheek.

She studied the woman before her, taking in all her features. She was beyond beautiful but that wasn't what she was drawn to. She had the most loving heart, something Jennifer's was certain she'd inherited from her mother. She was caring and tender and really funny. She loved her sense of humor and she loved how easily Emily could make her laugh. Jennifer felt so safe in her arms, she felt like she belonged... Like she belonged there in Emily's arms... She could feel the butterflies in her stomach starting to flutter again and looking at the sleeping woman in front of her she knew...

"I've fallen in love with you..." she whispered.

Saying the words out loud, even though it was only a whisper made her heart beat faster. Did the brunette hear her? Did she want Emily to hear her? It both frightened her and excited her. The hand that was still resting on Emily's cheek was slowly stroking the sleeping woman's face. She grazed her thumb over Emily's soft lips and couldn't resist. She leaned forward and placed a soft lingering kiss on those beautiful lips. As she pulled back she noticed that the brunette had a small smile on her face.

"This is a nice way to wake up." Emily mumbled and slowly opened her eyes.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to wake you, I just couldn't help myself..." Jennifer said softly and smiled back as she met Emily's warm gaze.

"Definitely not complaining..." Emily said seriously and looked deep into Jennifer's eyes.

The blonde swallowed hard as Emily looked intensely at her and as the brunette leaned in closer her breath caught just before those amazing lips touched hers. Her eyes closed as Emily's lips moved over hers and the hand that rested on Emily's face moved into dark brown hair as Jennifer pulled the other woman closer. It was a soft kiss, no tongue and no roaming hands, just the soft touch of their lips moving against each other. Emily placed a single kiss on Jennifer's nose before she pulled back and looked at the blonde again.

"I'm so happy you're here..." Emily whispered.

"Me too..." Jennifer confessed.

"What happened at the cottage?" Emily wondered while she entangled her fingers in soft blonde curls.

"Well, dad and Nate came back earlier. They had to cancel their trip because the weather forecast had changed and... I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to face Nathan so I lied and told him I was getting sick and wanted to go back home. He wanted to stay for a couple of days, thank God. Then as I was driving and saw the Chicago sign I don't know... I just needed to see you..." Jennifer said softly before she continued.

"I'm really sorry for how I acted when you brought me to Merrill's bay... I was so confused and in denial... and I felt so guilty for betraying Nate... I tried to tell myself that I didn't feel something for you and that what happened between us was a mistake but it didn't work... When I pushed you away... I thought I was doing the right thing and I thought that once I'd get you out of my head everything would go back to normal but I couldn't stop thinking about you..." she whispered that last part.

"The night when Nate was back he started kissing my neck and I knew what his intentions were but I couldn't go through with it... It felt wrong when he touched me and kissed me and I felt so bad for feeling that way cause he's my fiance, you know? He's the guy I'm supposed to marry and there I was, wanting your touch and your kisses..."

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