chapter 11

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Emily stood frozen to the spot and tried to take in what the blonde had just said.

No... no! I have to stop her, I have to talk to her...I...

She took off, desperately trying to catch up with the blonde. When she reached the top of the slope she saw the blonde a few feet ahead of her.

"Jennifer! Wait!" she called out and started to run towards her.

Jennifer didn't stop, tears were running down her face. Emily called out again and when she reached the blonde she grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Please wait." she pleaded.

Jennifer didn't turn around.

"Don't make this harder than it already is Emily." JJ said and shook Emily's hand off before she continued walking.

"Can't we at least talk about it?" Emily said.

"There's nothing more to say..."

"I know that you have feelings for me... " Emily said.

Jennifer stopped for a second when she heard Emily's words then continued walking a little faster. Emily ran up to the blonde and stopped her by stepping in front of her.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't feel something for me... " Emily said and looked straight into her eyes.

Jennifer swallowed hard and met Emily's gaze.

"I...I can't feel like this, don't you get it? I can't feel this way about you.. I can't... " Jennifer said almost desperately.

"Please Emily, I need to go back to the cottage. I... please Emily.." Jennifer said through her tears.

Emily held back her own tears as she stepped aside to let the blonde pass. Jennifer gave Emily one last look then left the brunette behind. As soon as Jennifer walked away Emily couldn't hold back the tears anymore.


Jennifer walked in a daze the whole way back. She couldn't think straight, her mind was a complete mess. When she reached the end of the forest and saw the cottage up ahead she walked faster. She just needed to get away from it all.


Elizabeth had returned and was just about to go back to the car to get the last bag when Jennifer came round the corner of the cottage.

"Jennifer, hi? Are you guys alrea-" she stopped mid sentence when she saw that the girl was crying and looked very upset.

Jennifer ignored Elizabeth, she couldn't deal with this now. Storming pass the surprised woman she ran straight to her room and threw herself down on the bed.


Elizabeth looked at the cabin door confused, what was wrong with the blonde and where was Emily? Suddenly her daughter appeared, looking just as upset as the blonde. She walked towards the boathouse never even looking in her mother's direction. Elizabeth knew immediately that something was up by the way the two women were acting, and it wasn't something good.


Emily saw her mother in the corner of her eye but she never looked in her direction. She knew it would only be a matter of time before her mother would come after her. She headed straight to the boathouse where she grabbed her bag and put it on the bed before she started to throw her belongings into it. Tears was running down her face which she furiously wiped away.


Elizabeth left the last bag of groceries on the front porch then walked down to the boathouse.

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