chapter 8

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It was a really lovely evening, the temperature was still about 68 degrees and it was completely windless. Jennifer sat on the steps waiting for Emily to come out. A moment later the brunette joined her and took a seat next to her.


"Hey. Is your mom alright?" Jennifer asked.

"Yep, a bit sore but she said the lotion you gave her was doing the trick." Emily replied.

"God, it's still so warm." Emily said referring to the lovely weather.

"Yeah it's crazy but I'm definitely not complaining." Jennifer said and smiled.

"Hey? Are you up for an evening swim?" Emily asked suddenly.

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely up for that!" JJ replied.

"Great. I'm gonna go change, meet you back here in five?"

Jennifer nodded and went back inside to change as Emily headed down to the boat house. Five minutes later they were good to go.

"Ready? There's a place I wanna show you, it's just a couple of minutes walk through the forest." Emily said.

"Yes, I'm ready. Lead the way agent." JJ said and winked.


After a couple of minutes walk they reached a secluded beach, it wasn't that big but it was really cozy.

"Emily this place is amazing!" Jennifer said in awe.

"I know, it's one of my favorite places here. If you want I can take you back here tomorrow, it's far more beautiful in the daylight." Emily said.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Jennifer said and smiled.

"So..." Emily started as she begun to undress.

"I'm gonna check out the water." she continued.

Jennifer just nodded as Emily took her clothes off and stood before her in the same outfit she was wearing earlier down by the lake. Even though it was starting to get pretty dark outside she could still see every contour of Emily's body and God! She looked so good, Jennifer had a hard time tearing her eyes away.

"Are you coming?" Emily asked and Jennifer was brought back from her thoughts, blushing slightly.

"Yeah, I'm coming." she replied and took of her shorts and tank top, grateful for the lack of light as she was certain her cheeks were flushed.

She walked down to the water where Emily was waiting. Stepping down into the water she was surprised by how warm the water was.

"It's so warm!" she said and immediately threw herself into the glassy lake.

Emily followed suit and disappeared beneath the surface. The water was wonderful and as she surfaced again she saw that Jennifer was a bit ahead of her, floating on her back looking completely content. Emily swam up next to her and Jennifer turned around in the water so she was facing the brunette as she felt her approach.

"This was a great idea!" the blonde said with a huge smile.

"I know, I'm full of good ideas." Emily said cocky yet playfully.

Jennifer snorted.

"Full of yourself I'd say." she mocked.

The blonde was rewarded with a splash of water right in the face.

"You did not just do that..." Jennifer replied with her eyes still closed.

"What? This?" Emily said and splashed the blonde again.

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