Love Is In The Air

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Sabrina's POV
I hope Luna is ok. She just fainted out of no where. Anywaysssss. I think that guy Louis is kind of cute.
"I think your'e cute too." Louis smirked at me. Did I say that out loud?
"Yea you did." He began laughing.
"So... You think I'm cute?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." I said back.
"Well then."
"Sir. Don't you sass me." I said snapping my fingers in a Z formation.
"I'll have you know I am the sass masta." He said and we both started laughing.
"So you wanna go out sometime?" He asked. Oh my gosh.
"Yeah sure." I said.

Tiffany's POV
"Hey Liam." I said. He looked kind of cute and he is kind of funny.
"Hey Tiff." He said.
"Do you want to go to the carnival with me?" I asked.
"Sure." He said and we both walked to the carnival.

~1 hour later~
"Ahhh Liam!" I screamed. We were on a roller coaster and I'm kind of scared of them even though I still like them.
"Just hold my hand." He said calmly. Our hands met and I wasn't so scared. Isn't weird how a guy can make you forget everything? The ride ended and we got some cotton candy.
"Yummy." I said.
"You have a little candy on your face." He said. Oh gosh. He got a napkin and wiped my face.
"No problem. Can I ask you something?" He asked. I wonder what he's going to ask me.

Luna's POV
(Luna's dream)
"Please Mommy stop it." I screamed but, she just kept hitting me.
"YOU IGNORANT CHILD!" She was screaming.
(End dream)
"AHHHHHH!" I screamed. I saw Zayn dart over to me.
"Another nightmare?" He asked.
"Yeah. They just keep getting worse." I said back.
"You wanna play a game?" He asked and did his puppy dog face.
"Sure. What game?" I asked.
"21 questions." He said.
"Ok. You go first." I said.
"Who was your first kiss with?" He asked.
"You." I said while blushing.
"What is your idea of a perfect date?" I asked.
"A movie night while eating pizza." He responded.
"Can you sing?" He asked.
"I can try." I started to sing I'm Yours by Jason Myraz (im srry if i spelled his name wrong im a bad speller).
"Wow. That was perfect." He said while clapping.

~18 questions later~
I got to learn more about Zayn. He asked me if I wanted to preform a duet with him next week. I obviously said yes.
"So what song do you want to sing?" He asked.
"Thinking Out Loud?" I suggested.
"Sure." He said. We spent the rest of the night watching a movie called, The Cabin In The Woods.
"Ahhh!" I screamed. I like scary movies but, I hate being jump scared, do you see my problem?
"It's ok babe." He said. I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Zayn. I have a question." I said.
"Ask away." He said.
"Why did you pick me? Out of all the girls, why me?" I asked.
"Cause I saw your smile and knew you were the one." He said. He kissed my head. I fell asleep in the middle of the movie.
Hello everyone. How ya been? Good. Great. Amazayn. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Don't forget to leave a comment and vote. I love you all and to all a good night.

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