Why Me??

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Zayn's POV

I can chose between the girl I love or my sister.
I'll chose both. I can't leave them here in this horrible place.

"So what do you chose loverboy?" Jason asked me. I needed to make whatever I say sounds believable.
"I chose neither of them. They don't mean anything to me. I'm just using Luna and Ciana is adopted." I struggled to say that. The words didn't sound right coming out of my mouth.
"Wow. Loverboy. You surprise me." He said obviously shocked. Then he looked behind me. I turned around to find a girl with mascara stained tears and eyes that stared deep into mine. Oh no...

Luna's POV

I escaped the little cell I was in and heard voices in a room. It sounded like Jason and someone else were talking.

So what do you chose loverboy?" Jason's voice said.
"I chose neither of them. They don't mean anything to me. I'm just using Luna and Ciana is adopted." I can't believe what I just heard. Zayn said that. How could he? I barged into the room and saw Jason turn around and stare at me. Then Zayn turned around.

"Really Zayn? I'm just another toy, like always. I guess I don't mean anything to you... So why don't chu just get your adopted sister and leave. I was going to save your arse but, I clearly see that you don't need me anymore." I said through my tears. Zayn's face looked heartbroken. Ik saw a tear slip out of his eye but, he wiped it away as soon as it fell. Jason unlocked Ciana's door and Zayn walked pass by me and said these words, "It was a joke. I'll get you later." And walked away.
Wait so what he said was just a joke to get Jason to let Ciana go? Then he's coming back for me?
"Well sweetie. Looks like loverboy doesn't need your arse anymore." Jason laughed at me. Then he smacked me and started beating the hell out of me.


Zayn's POV

I got Ciana and left the place where Jason was keeping Luna.
"What about your girlfriend?" Ciana asked me.
"I'll get her after u take you somewhere safe."
"No. We are going back in there and getting her out." Ciana said sternly.
"Ok. Let's see what you got planned." I said and let her take charge.
"We have to wait till midnight. Then we attack." She said and we hid behind some bushes. I saw four figures sneak pass us.
"What the hell?" I heard one of them say.
"Zayn? Where's Luna?" The other said. Oh it's Tiffany, Sabrina, Mel, and Michelle
"We're getting her out at midnight." I said.
"No. We have to go now or else she won't be worth saving." Mel said and looked down.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"He's going to do something really bad to her. He's going to kill her by tomorrow." She responded.
"Then let's go now!" I shouted a little.


We took out a few of the security guards and started looking for Luna. I heard screaming upstairs.
"HALP ME! PLEASE! SOMEON-" the screaming stopped followed by a thud.
"SHUT THE FLACK UP WOMAN!" I heard Jason scream.
"We have to go. Now!" I started running up the stairs like an idiot.
"Zayn wait you don't know what up there." Mel warned me. I didn't care. I just needed to see if Luna was ok. I walked in a room which had Luna inside. She looked beat and there was tape around her mouth and she was tied up.
"STAWP." She she tried to scream but the tape was covering her mouth. Then I heard a shot and looked down at my stomach. There was a hole and blood everywhere.

Luna's POV

"STAWP!" I tried to say. Jason was behind Zayn with a gun.
Then he pulled the dang trigger. No. I saw Zayn instantly fall to the ground and his face went pale. No. Why me?


*drumroll please*


HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't get the joke then... I seriously don't know what to say....

That pixel (picture) that I put for this chapter tho... cx.

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