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Luna's POV
"They tortured me because apparently Harper didn't meet with Jason. So they told me that they would hurt you or that they would hurt me." I said. Painful memories returned from when Jason was beating me.

"It's either him or you." Jason said.
"Don't hurt him!" I screamed.
"Oh but I already did." He smiled.
"If you touch him one more (bleeping) time I will hurt you." I said. He punched me in my stomach and then started beating me up until I was unable to move.
"You're weak. Useless. Pathetic!" He screamed a bunch of other hurtful things.

Flashback ended~~~

"I will hurt him." Zayn said.
"Zayn. Let me take care of this. The last thing I want to see is you in the hospital again." I started to cry a little.
"Don't cry babe." Zayn said and pulled me closer to him.
"I'll wait in the lobby." Mel said and left the room. Zayn kissed me when she left. I forget everything when I'm with him.
"Babe." He said.
"I like you in shorts." He laughed a bit and I was blushing.
"Well thank you kind sir." I said back.
"Babe. Did I ever tell you how much you mean to me?" He asked
"Well you mean the world to me."
"Prove it Malik." I said. He came closer to me and whispered, "I love you."
"I love you too." I said. He kissed my head.
"Now let's go beat up Jason." He said and got up.
"Whoa there." I said.
"What?" He said.
"You are still in your hospital robe." I laughed.
"Oh..." He grabbed his phone.
"I'm going to tell Louis to get me some clothes and then we can go beat Jason." He said.
"Ok. I'm going to get a Starbucks. You want any?" I asked
"Yeah get me a Salted-Carmel." He said.
"Ok I'll be back. Don't do anything stupid." I said.
"Ok." He said and I walked out of the room. Knowing the look on Zayn's face I knew he was planning something. I waited outside the door.

~5 minutes later~

I saw the door open and saw Zayn wearing black jeans, white tee shirt, and a leather jacket.
"Top of the morning to ya." I said and Zayn screamed a bit.
"Are you ok?" I laughed.
"How... You... Coffee." He stuttered.
"If we are going to beat up Jason we are doing it together.
"Ok. Let's do this." He said and we walked out of the building.
Here we go.

I have some important news.
I'm going to be starting a new book and it will be another Zayn fanfic cuz u can't ever have to much Zayn fanfics 😁. I will still be working on this book so don't chu worry...
*cues music*
*turns off music*
Sorry I had to do that.
Anyways I'll be updating this story on Monday or Wednesday and the other story on the weekends. I hope you enjoy it and peace out rainbow trouts.

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