A Wrong Turn.

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Luna's POV

"Happy now? I can't see Zayn ever again!" I screamed at Jason.
"Well it's either he thinks I'm dead or I kill him." He chuckled.
"You fucking bastard!" I screamed and started tearing up.
"Now I need you to do something for me." He said.
"Give this to a friend of mine and make sure you get 500 dollars in return or else..."
"What the fuck is in that tiny little box that is worth 500 dollars?" I asked.
"Mind your own damn motherfucking business." He said.
"Stop fucking cussing!" I screamed. His hand slapped my mouth.
"Shut the fuck up. You don't give orders around here anymore."

Niall's POV

"I BROUGHT NANDOS!" I screamed.
"Shush Niall. Zayn isn't doing so well. He needs some quiet time." Liam said.
"Ok daddy direction." I said back. Then I went to go find Louis and Harreh.
"Hey guys." I said. Harry was crying and Louis had his head down.
"We lost her again." Louis said.
"What do you mean?"
"We went to go look for her. We found nothing." Louis replied again.
"How's Zayn doing?"
"Not so well."
"How's Harreh?"
"Just like Zayn but Zayn is worse."
"What do you mean Zayn is worse?"
"He won't come out of the room and he barely eats anymore. It's like he can't function with out her." Louis said.
"Maybe if we call Luna back and let her talk to Zayn he would actually be able to function."
"We can try."
"Alright then hurry up!" I screamed.

Luna's POV

I lied to them about killing Jason. They think I could actually do it. Even though he's a bitch and deserves to rot in hell I couldn't kill him even if I tried. I pulled out my phone and looked through the my contacts. I was far away from Jason and his crew so I could do anything I want.

"Pick up." I said while calling Harry.
"Hellloooo." Niall's voice said cheery.
"NIALL! Get the boys to hear what I'm about to say and quick." I said.
"Ok... LIAM! LOUIS! HARREH! ZAY-" he stopped at Zayn. Why the hell did he stop at Zayn?
"IM HERE!" Louis screamed.
"Put it on speaker Niall." I said.
"Okay." He said.

Harry's POV

"You're on speaker." Niall said through the phone.
"Hey everyone." It's Luna.
"I need to tell you something very important."
"I didn't kill Jason. He forced me to say that and if I didn't say anything then he would kill Zayn. He has people watching you guys right now. He's hidden me in this abandoned house outside of London and it's very far. Wait, is Zayn there?" Luna said.
"No. " Liam said.
"Oh. Anyways... Trace this number quickly then tell Mel. She knows where it is... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She started screaming from the phone.
"Luna!" I said tightly gripping the phone. I heard a smack.
"You little bitch!" I heard a man.
"HELP ME!! TRACE THE NUMBER!" She screamed and then the line went dead.

She's gone. We lost her. Again.
"FUCK!" I screamed and crumbled to the floor.
"Harry you heard her. We need to trace her number." Liam said.
"Zayn didn't even come down here! This is the last fucking time we could ever here her again!" I screamed.

Luna's POV

Shit. Oh shit. Ima die. Omg. Ima die.

"NO!" I screamed back and kept running. Then I tripped over a rock and fell.
"Say goodnight." Jason said and then all I saw was black.


"Goodbye Zayn. I love you." I said to Zayn. Then I ran. For a girl who just came out of a coma I seemed to be doing pretty well for running.
"WAIT!" I heard Zayn scream. I just kept on running. If I stayed there Jason would kill him. Then I found Jason standing at the end of an ally waiting for me.
"I see you came. Good girl." He said.


He pointed a gun at me.
"Tell them you killed me or you know what will happen." Jason said.
"LUNA!" Someone screamed.
"I did it." I said.
"Luna what did you do?"
"I killed him. I killed Jason." I lied for there own protection.

Flashback ended~~

"Wake up bitch!" I heard a scream. My eyes shot open. I saw a pissed Jason holding a phone and a gun.
"I told you there was consequences for telling." He said.
"I'm sorry. Please. Don't hurt him. Gimme another chance." I said.
"Fine. Screw up again and I won't play nice." He said and left the room. Wait. When did I get in a room?

It had pale blue walled and pictures of the boys everywhere.
"Zayn." I said to myself while looking at a picture of him. I cried.

Zayn's POV

She left me. She's gone. She will never come back. She's gone. She's gone. I thought to myself. My stomach was growling because of me not eating enough food. My hair was a mess from not moving. I heard the boys screaming downstairs but I couldn't make out the words.

"ZAYN! COME HERE!" I heard another scream. I just turned up the volume of my phone.

"Say something I'm giving up on you.

And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.

Anywhere I would've followed you.

Say something I'm giving up on you."

Then my door opened.

"Zayn. Please listen to me." I heard Liam's voice. I turned my head to face him.

"Luna didn't kill Jason. She was forced to say that for who knows the hell why. She had to leave us because then Jason would kill you." He said.

So she didn't kill him. She left me so she could save me?

"She just called us. I think she was hiding until Jason found her the. It hanged up. We can trace the number." Liam said.

So there going to try to find her? That's amazing. Maybe I can see her again.

"If you can trace back the number. Tell her I love her." I said.
"All right mate. Harry's going to stay here cause he isn't doing so well either. See you soon." Liam said and left the house.

Liam's POV

Harry's phone started ringing. I picked it up.
"Hello?" I said.
"Don't try to find her or I will just have to pull this trigger." A voice said.
"Please let me talk to her." I said.
"Ok. Her she is." He said. All I heard was mumbling.
"Well she's not able to talk right now unless I remove the tape off of her mouth but I don't feel like it." He said.
"Sir. You don't have to do this." I said.
"Oh but I have to. Just forget about her. She's not coming back anytime soon." He said and hanged up. I tried to call back but it was a blocked number.

Should I trace the call back or leave it alone like he said.

I should ask Louis or Niall. There the only ones who haven't lost it yet.

I met up with them and told them.

"I think we should forget. He could kill her." Niall said.
"Same here. Let's just do what he says." Louis said.
"Ok. So we just forget about her easy as pie." I said.

*2 weeks later*

I couldn't forget Luna. Every day the guilt was eating me alive. We just forgot about her. Harry was doing ok. He's with Mel now and he's happy. Niall has Michelle. Louis has Sabrina. I have Tiffany. Zayn was getting a little better by the days. We only have gotten one phone call from Jason. He said we were doing the right thing by forgetting about her.

Maybe we should introduce Zayn to another girl. I know a girl that would love to be with Zayn.



I'm sorry if this story is story is a little confusing.

Just bear with me.

Lol. Bear. 😂


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