An Old Friend

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Zayn's POV
"Are you sure this is safe?" Luna asked she looked worried.
"I'm sure." I said back. We got on my bike and I started driving to my favorite place.
~a few red lights later~
"We're here!" I said.
"Zayn... This place is beautiful.
"Yeah she is." I heard the words come out of my mouth. I quickly corrected myself.
"I mean it is beautiful." Luna started laughing.

Luna's POV
I started laughing when he corrected himself. I took a look around us. There was a lake that looked crystal clear, and green grass with flowers scattered everywhere. Why would he take me here?
"Luna." He said seriously.
"Yes." I looked at his eyes, they were a light brown. He got on his knees. Oh my... If he asks me to marry him. He took my hand.
"Luna, will you do me the honor of dating me?" He asked. I blushed, a lot.
"Zayn... I would love to." I said to him. He gave me a ring that was silver and had diamonds covering it.
"Thank you." I hugged him.

~The next day~
I woke up. Memories from yesterday flooded my mind. I was smiling like an idiot.
"Luna are you ok? What happened yesterday with Zayn?" Tiffany asked.
"He took me to a spot next to the lake and he asked me out. Then he gave me this ring." I showed her.
"Luna! It's beautiful!" Tiffany and I hugged each other and jumped up and down.
"Now get ready for school young lady." Tiffany said.
"Ok mom." I said. I picked out a pretty dress that caught my eye. It was white and it had a floral pattern. I thought I would dress up nicely. I put on my black vans and got ready. I met Tiffany downstairs. She looked like she has seen a ghost.
"Tiff are you ok?" I asked.
"He's back." She said. At first I didn't know what she was talking about.
"Ja-" I started saying.
"He left a message." She showed me her phone.
"Tiffany. I'm back, and tell Luna that I know where she is." I read the message. My blood ran cold and I felt weak. He can't be back, not know!

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