18- stalker

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The next day, Mark was walking home from school, when he saw Axel. He hadn't saw him since the match with Royal.

"Hey, there he is,"Mark said quietly.

He got that fluffy feeling in his stomach again. That's when Mark decided he was going to follow Axel.

I'm not stalking him. It's for the sake of the team he kept telling himself.

He tried to keep hidden, hiding behind cars and buildings whenever Axel looked behind him. It felt exhilarating, even though Mark knew that it was definitely wrong to follow Axel.

He absolutely had to talk to him again. He remembered how Axel actually smiled at him the other day. SMILED. Axel was definitely warming up to him a tiny bit.

Eventually, Axel walked into a hospital. Mark felt sick to his stomach. What if he has a health problem? What if that's why he can't play? Mark wondered.

Mark's nosiness got the better of him and he followed Axel into the hospital. He walked down the aisles behind him, hiding behind walls whenever he looked behind.

"It's almost like a game of hide and seek,"Mark whispered to himself jokingly.

He waited behind the wall a bit too long however, because Axel had already disappeared.

"Shit, I've lost him,"Mark sighed.

He looked to his left and saw a label on the door. Julia Blaze. Wait. That couldn't be a coincidence. Was it someone related to Axel?

Just then, Axel opened the door and Mark stumbled backwards. Axel looked horrified.

He was silent for a while, because he was probably in shock.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"Axel said, his voice gradually getting louder. "Were you stalking me?"

"Uh, uh,"Mark was still on the floor, when he peeked into the room and saw a little girl in a hospital bed.

Axel closed the door when he saw him looking. He looked down at him.

"What are you doing here, Mark?"his voice was low, calm, and even, but you could tell he was pissed off.

"Er, I saw you coming in here, and I got worried, I thought you might be sick. Sorry for bothering you,"Mark said quietly, fidgeting with his hands. "That would explain why you didn't want to play."

Axel raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not trying to pressure you into joining the team! I just want to spend time with you, that's all!"

Axel looked confused, but he smiled the same way that he smiled at the Royal Academy game, and extended a hand.

"Here. Get up."

Mark grabbed his hand and lifted himself off the ground.

"I'm so sorry. I just was so worried when I saw you-"Axel put his finger on Mark's lip.

Mark went red.

"You never shut up, do you?"Axel laughed.

Mark took his hand away from his face. He was still red, and if Nathan could notice so easily when he blushed, Axel definitely could too.

"Look, you clearly won't leave me alone until I tell you why,"Axel sighed as he opened the door. "Come in."

Mark just stood there in shock, until Axel had to physically push him into the room.

Mark felt happy. That was the first proper conversation they had since they had met, after all.

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