51- spy

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They had won the game. Nothing too interesting happened, unlike previous games. They cheated, got called out for it, and then Raimon won.

Axel's leg was nearly healed, so instead of resting, he was having a conversation with Nelly.

"I found the craziest thing,"said Nelly.

"Yeah? Spill the tea."

"So I found this letter. Basically Coach Wintersea is being suspicious. I think he hijacked the bus."

"What? Why?"asked Axel.

"I don't know. He just really doesn't want Raimon to play in the final,"said Nelly. "Should I confront him about it?"

"Hmm, I think you should do it subtly,"Axel said. "Don't say 'i know your secret' but say something more like 'can you test drive the bus for me? thanks!' instead. You know what I mean?"

Nelly nodded. "That's smart. I think I'll speak to him later today."

Just then, Coach Wintersea stepped out onto the field.

"Speak of the devil,"Nelly sighed.

"I think it's a sign. You should talk to him now,"said Axel.

Nelly groaned. "Well. I suppose you're right."

She walked over to Mr Wintersea.

"Sir? I have a favour to ask!"

"Sure, i'll do anything for my favourite girl in the whole school!"he replied.

Nelly struggled not to gag. This was disgusting, considering he was in his late 30's and she was only a teen, but she had to do what she came here to do.

"Can you test drive the bus for me?"she asked sweetly.

She wanted to throw up. This was so not her.

Mr Wintersea froze. "The bus?!"

Nelly nodded.

"Well I'd love to help you, I really would, but uh, I don't have a license to drive heavy vehicles! And, uh-"

Nelly cut over him. "You don't have to worry about that. I looked it up. The school is private property, so technically, you're allowed."

"I, uh-"

"Is there another reason you don't want to drive it?"she said sweetly.

Mr Wintersea had broken out into a sweat. They were talking loud enough that the whole team stopped their training to listen to the conversation.

"Uh, no, em-"

"Mr Wintersea?"she batted her eyelashes.

"Ok, fine, yes miss!"

Nelly grinned. Having to suffer through that was worth it if she got to find out the truth.


The whole team had come out to watch as Mr Wintersea got in the bus.

"Just a couple of turns,"said Nelly.

Axel grinned at her. "Girl, you're a genius."

"It was your idea."

The whole team was confused.

"Can you fill me in?"Mark whispered to Axel.

"I will later."

Mr Wintersea was still mumbling.

"Shut up and drive already, goddammit!"Nelly yelled.

"I can't do it!"the coach burst into tears.

"Why the hell not?"Nelly said angrily.

He didn't reply.

"I got the letter. Detailing a criminal act you were about to commit. You can't drive the bus because you vandalised it! Correct?"Nelly yelled.

The whole team gasped. Mr Wintersea nodded quietly, still shaking with sobs.

"I'm waiting for an answer!"

Suddenly his sobs turned into maniacal laughter.

"I drained out all the break fluid!"

"Why the fuck would you do that?"Mark asked.

"So you wouldn't make it to the final!"the coach grinned.


"Someone important doesn't want you there."

Axel gasped. "The head of Royal Academy! You'd sacrifice your own students to obey some random guy? What the actual fuck?!"

"Language. You don't understand how scary this guy is,"he replied.

"Language my ass!"

"I will not allow teachers like you to work at our school!"Nelly yelled. "I'm authorised to speak for the chairman. You're fired!"

"I'm glad. I was sick of this stupid school. I'm not the only spy Royal Academy sent out though,"he grinned. "Isn't that right, Bobby?"

Everyone gasped. Including Bobby.

"I'm so disappointed in you!"Sylvia yelled. "I thought you were my friend!"

They were so wrapped up in the Bobby drama, that they didn't notice Coach Wintersea leave for the final time.

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