31- stalker

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"Nelly, why are you following me to school? I thought you had a private chauffeur or something?"Axel asked.

"I do!"she said. "I just wanna walk with you, if that's so hard to believe."

Axel rolled his eyes. "I joined the team. Can you stop bothering me now?"

"No,"Nelly said. "I like you. Most guys seem to bend over backwards to get my attention, but you're different."

"Maybe because you're annoying as fuck?"Axel said. "Can you please just leave me alone? I have practice this morning."

"If you don't talk to me i'll disband the club,"Nelly sighed.

Axel narrowed his eyes at her. "You wouldn't."

"I'm the chairman's daughter. I can do whatever the fuck I want!"she huffed.

She grabbed Axels shirt and pulled him down to her level. "Kiss me."

"What? No."

"Most guys would love to."

"It's 7 am, Nelly. I'm barely even awake,"Axel said.

"You're making excuses,"Nelly said.

"I'm not!"

"Would you be more willing to kiss me at night then?"Nelly asked innocently.

"Fuck off! Of course not. I'm not interested,"Axel said.

"As you wish,"Nelly said passive aggressively.

"What's that supposed to mean?"Axel shouted after her. "Wait!"

"Have you decided to change your mind?"

"Your not going to disband the club, are you?"Axel asked.

"I might,"Nelly grinned.

"This could be considered assault, you weirdo,"Axel said. "This is the third day in a row you've followed me."

"I'll continue doing it until you give me what I ask for,"she said as she walked off.


"Have you noticed those two walk to school together a lot?"Nathan said.

"Of course I have,"said Mark. "I don't trust that girl at all."

"He won't do anything if that's what you're worried about,"Nathan said.

"Nah, he's probably straight. What straight guy wouldn't want her?"Mark sighed.

Nathan facepalmed. "How many times do I have to tell you that straight guys don't make out with other guys?"


Mark had just finished explaining the notebook to the rest of the team. And Axel.

The team had seen Axel's multiple personalities over the past few weeks. Giddy Axel. Laughs at everything Axel. Cold Axel. Edgy Axel.

Mark's personal favourite was 'pin you up against a wall and kiss your face off' Axel, but the rest of the team weren't lucky enough to experience that yet.

"How can you understand that?"Kevin said.

"Hmm, I don't know. God hand and everything is in here, so I guess it's the real deal?"Mark shrugged.


Axel had decided to be 'ignore everything that happened between me and Mark' Axel today. He cozied up beside Mark and Nathan to discuss aerial shots.

"The Inazuma Drop,"Mark grinned.

He described it to the team. They all grinned and nodded in fascination.

"One person jumps with a ka, and the second person jumps with a boom, making a kaboom. Huh?"

Axel rolled his eyes. Nathan laughed. "Did your grandpa ever take english class?"

"Yeah, I think he was only ever good at soccer,"Mark grinned sheepishly.

The rest of the team looked as confused as Nathan and Axel.

"This sounds dumb. Why couldn't he just explain it?"Kevin asked.

Mark continued explaining it enthusiastically.

Axel muttered under his breath. "Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with this guy."

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