99- kevin, get your mind out of the gutter!

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Before the game, Mark and Axel were shirtless in some broom closet somewhere.

"Your body is so bruised,"Axel caressed Mark's chest, sending shivers through his body. "The things you put yourself through for this game."

"But it'll all be worth it in the end,"Mark grinned. "You're bruised too."

"I think that's because I probably fell down the stairs on training night,"Axel laughed.

"You did?"Mark looked amused.

Axel just grinned. "Maybe. You know, I'll miss this. Sneaking off before games to do this."

"Me too. There's something so scandalous about it."

"True,"Axel grinned and pressed his lips to Mark's.

The two of them made out for a minute, sweaty bodies pressed together in the musty broom closet. Before somebody opened the door.

"Get out lover boys!"Jude yelled. "The game is about to start."

The two boys went red and quickly rushed to pull back on their jerseys.

"Fuck, Jude. You scared me,"Axel glared at him.

Jude just shrugged. "Whatever. Just come out onto the field. Preferably quick."

He walked away nonchalantly while Mark and Axel awkwardly stumbled onto the pitch. The lights from audience member's cameras were blinding, and the sound of everyone's cheering was deafening.

Mark looked to find his parents in the audience, and he eventually saw his mother and father, his mother clutching the photo of his grandpa. Mark sighed. If only she knew.

Axel scanned the audience the same way, and saw his father and sister in the audience. Julia had a massive handmade poster that was bigger than herself, that read,"My brother is Axel Blaze. Go Raimon!"in the shaky handwriting that only kids have.

Axel smiled and waved at his father and sister. Mark noticed and turned to wave at them too. Julia started jumping up and down before Axel's father had to calm her down again.

Just then, a gust of wind formed, and the Zeus team descended from the sky.

"Holy shit they're hot,"Nathan gasped.

"Oh tell me about it!"Jude said. "It's so hard to hate them when they're so beautiful."

Byron was at the centre, his beautiful long golden hair shimmering in the daylight.

"How does that not get into his face?"Axel wondered aloud.

"Honestly, I was thinking the same thing,"Mark said. "I have short hair and I couldn't survive without my headband."

Byron turned around and grinned at the Raimon team, doing a sassy little wave, before picking up a fancy looking glass from a tray and drinking out of it.

"Geez, we need to step up our game,"said Celia. "Why does our team only have water?"

"Because water is the best,"Sylvia said.

"It's also the cheapest,"said Nelly. "The school budget can't possibly account for fancy drinks for the soccer team."

"Oh, I want what they're having!"Jack piped up innocently.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Their weird drink looks like cum."

The whole team burst out laughing.

"Kevin, that's highly inappropriate,"the coach said, but it was clear that he too was stifling a laugh.

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