84- happy

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Mark and Axel both thanked the driver after they got out of the car. He even took Axel's suitcase out of the car for him.

"If you ever want to leave again, Mr Axel, go ahead. My pay check this week is going to be so good!"the driver exclaimed.

Mark laughed. "He better not."

Axel just looked sheepish. "Thank you."

The two boys watched as the black car drove away. Mark's arm around Axel's waist.

"What's with all the extra affection?"

Mark laughed. "If you think I'm letting you go again! I'm holding on to you as long as I can. Speaking of, do you mind your dad knowing that we're together?"

"How insane did you act last week when you called me?"

Mark looked down at the floor. "Uh, I wasn't disrespectful..."

Axel just laughed. "Well, at least he knows that you care, and that you're passionate. Those are qualities that he likes. Though he only really wants people to be passionate about being doctors...."

"I can pretend,"Mark said.

"Please. The only thing that you're passionate about is soccer, and everyone knows it."

"You're wrong,"Mark said softly. "I'm passionate about you too, you know."

Axel couldn't help but smile. "You're too nice to me."

"I know."

"Hey!"Axel retorted. "Let's go in. I can only avoid my father's lecture for so long."

The two boys walked in to the hospital together. One of Axel's hands holding his suitcase, the other holding Mark's.

The two boys were shocked to see Axel's father, impatiently tapping his foot, waiting near the front door.

"Dad?"Axel said. "What are doing out here?"

"Axel!"his father yelled. "You actually came back with perfect timing. Julia's awake! She's awake from her coma! She's speaking."

Axel gasped. "Oh my. Really?!"

"Do you think I'd joke about this, son?"

"For how long?"

"She woke up about 20 minutes ago. Do you want to see her?"

"Yes! Of course I do!"Axel said.

"You know where her room is. Follow me,"Axel's father said, his shoes squeaking on the sterile floor as he speedily walked down the hallway.

Axel turned around to face Mark, looking hesitant. Mark took his suitcase.

"Go. See your sister. I'll look after this,"Mark said.

Axel quickly hugged him, smiled, and then frantically began running after his father. Mark sighed and smiled. It was a sign from the universe. Julia must've known that Axel was coming home.


Mark had waited in the waiting room with Axel's suitcase for about a half an hour when Axel returned.

"I want you to meet her,"Axel said quietly. "Ok, technically I know that you already have, but she hasn't met you."

Mark just smiled and got up. "I'd love to meet her."

The two boys walked down the hallway, Mark wheeling the suitcase this time.

"Did you just take my suitcase as collateral?"Axel joked.

"Maybe,"Mark grinned.

They approached Julia's hospital room. Axel's father was standing near Julia's bed. He walked over to Mark.

"So I take it that you're my son's boyfriend?"he said. "Last week makes a lot more sense now."

"Yeah,"Mark said awkwardly. "I'm so sorry about that, by the way."

"I appreciate the apology,"said Axel's father stiffly.

Mark just bowed to Axel's father.

"Hello!"Julia piped up.

"Oh, hi!"Mark said, kneeling down beside her bed. "Your brother's told me a lot about you!"

Axel just smiled at Mark and his sister. His father even relaxed a little bit. Axel couldn't help but be overjoyed. His sister was back. He never wanted to let her anywhere near a car or a road ever again.

"I would be very angry at you if Julia hadn't woke up,"Axel's father whispered. "Running away from whatever problem you had clearly wasn't the answer. If you hadn't decided to come home right now, you would've missed this."

"I know,"Axel sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Next time you have a problem, you stay at home and solve it!"

Axel just nodded.

"You have a little sister at home that loves you. You have a final to train for. And you have great friends here,"said Axel's father.

"I know,"said Axel.

"And most importantly, you have study to do!"

Julia and Axel laughed in unison.

"All you care about is study!"Julia laughed, and then looked at Axel. "Will you win the game?"

Axel kneeled beside her bed next to Mark.

"We will,"said Axel. "Won't we, Mark?"

"We definitely will, Julia. Captain's orders!"

"It's so cool that you have the captain of the team as your boyfriend! You're so lucky, Axel!"

"I am indeed,"he said, smiling at Mark.

"I'm so lucky that I got to meet my star striker's sister!"Mark said enthusiastically.

Julia couldn't help but giggle, and Axel couldn't help but surge with happiness at the fact that his two favourite people in the whole world were in the room with him.

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