19- axel's story

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Mark stood and looked at the girl lying on the bed. She looked like she was about 6 or 7 years old, and she wasn't conscious.

"This is my sister, Yuuka,"Axel said. "She's been in a coma for months."

Mark nodded. He felt slightly guilty that he had stalked Axel, but this time with him was definitely worth it. He was trying not to smile, as the mood in the room was so serious, but he actually wanted to start dancing his mood was so high.

"I'll tell you her story. I'm guessing you won't leave until I do, right?"he said.

Mark just stared at Axel. He felt incredibly guilty for drawing this story out of him, but he was also enjoying it. Finally, Axel was actually talking to him.

"She's been like this ever since the finals of last years Soccer Frontier tournament,"Axel continued.

"Oh, was your old school the school that played Royal Academy?"

Axel nodded. "She was really excited and looking forward to watching us play. She told me she was going to watch and cheer me on."

He looked really sad and he began to stare off into the distance. Mark wanted to hug him. But he didn't know if it was appropriate or not. So he settled for a shoulder pat.

Axel shuddered when Mark touched him. Mark lifted his hand again.

"Sorry,"he said.

"No, it's fine,"Axel said. "I just, wasn't expecting it."

Mark was starting to feel even more attached to Axel. He found Axel's vulnerability really attractive. He decided to go for it.

He wrapped his hand that was on Axel's shoulder around the front of Axel's body and did the same with his other hand to give him a hug from behind.

Axel was shocked, but didn't want to show any reaction. Mark's affection didn't shock him. Mark was just that kind of person. But was he that kind of person?

They stayed like that in silence for a few minutes, and Axel tried not to cry. Mark's hug reminded him of his sister, and that hurt him a lot.

When his wave of sadness ended, Axel continued, and Mark's arms were still around him.

"She, uh, told me to do my fire tornado shot for her. That was the last time I heard her voice and laugh. The last time I saw her smile,"Axel tried to keep his voice steady. "God, I miss her so much."

"She sounds lovely,"Mark murmured into Axel's shoulder.

Axel shook Mark off and stood at the opposite end of the room. Mark was confused. Why the sudden coldness?

Axel didn't want to look at Mark. He felt weird now. But he decided to finish his story.

"On the way to the game, she had an accident,"he tried to focus on a bird outside and not think about his younger sister, or his encounter with Mark, even though it was nearly impossible, given they were right there. "Just before the game started I got the news."

"So that's why you quit,"Mark said quietly.

Axel was so confused. Why did Mark care so much? Was he really willing to go this far to get an extra player? Or was he just this nice to everyone?

He was probably just using him. He saw him cozying up to Nathan Swift on top of the hill the other day. Axel swallowed and clenched his fist.

Why was he telling Mark his life story? Why? Still, he continued. He started, so he might as well finish.

Axel turned back to Mark but he closed his eyes and lowered his head so he didn't have to look at him.

"I went straight to the hospital. My dad works here. That's another reason why I switched schools. I can also visit her more often, because I'm closer,"Axel sighed. "Also because I can't face my old team after deserting them. It was such a shitty thing to do."

Mark walked over to him, to be closer.

"Look at me."

For some reason, Axel obeyed.

"It's not your fault,"Mark said.

"It is! If I was there I could have prevented it from happening. But I was playing soccer, and being an irresponsible idiot!"Axel rolled his eyes.

"You're not an idiot-"

"I can't even think about playing soccer while she's suffering like this!"Axel said. "It's my fault she's here. I can't play again until she wakes up."

Mark put his arms around Axel and pulled him in for another hug. Axel didn't fight him. They both said nothing, and just stayed there in silence for a while.

Mark felt incredibly guilty once again for dragging that story out of him. But he couldn't help but feel fluffy again. He wished he could stay here, in this place, forever.

He hoped that Axel felt fluffy too, but Axel didn't show any indication of whether he did or not.

"Sometimes I can't help myself,"he heard Axel whisper into his ear.

Mark suddenly felt nervous. For the first time ever, he wasn't sure what to say.

"I need to play again. That's why I kicked that ball the first time I met you. And that's why I helped you out,"Axel said, his lips on Mark's ear. "That's why I'm talking to you right now."

Mark felt hot. He could feel Axel smiling through that last sentence. He couldn't help but grin too.

"Sorry I kept asking you to join the team. I was, annoying. And it was insensitive."

Axel giggled. Giggled. Mark didn't even know people like Axel were capable of doing that.

He pulled away from Mark and grinned. "Oh, you were annoying. But I like that about you."

Mark couldn't help but go red and he couldn't stop grinning. He tried not to be so obvious but it was hard to hide his feelings. He covered his face.

Axel grinned. He found Mark annoying and overly optimistic, but something about him made Axel feel strange.

He began to back out of the door. Axel walked out of his sisters hospital room towards him.

"Mark, wait!"

Mark stopped. "Yeah?"

Axel pulled Mark towards him and tilted his head to the left.

"What are you-"

"Shush, Evans."

He pinned him to the wall and kissed his neck for a few seconds. Mark felt like he was about to faint. What the hell? Was he dreaming?

Mark hadn't even had his first kiss yet due to a lack of gay people in his area.

Axel pulled away quickly and his face changed into a more serious version of his resting expression.

"If you tell anyone about this, I swear, i'll kill you."

Mark said nothing and started awkwardly running away.

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