69- beat homophobes with soccer

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The day that Axel had been dreading had finally come. The day that he would face his old teammates at Kirkwood again. It felt like he hadn't slept properly in days, and the anxiety was eating him alive.

Especially after what had happened with the triplets a few days ago after his date with Mark.

Still, it did feel better on the bus journey over with Mark beside him. He even let Mark hold his hand and cuddle him. It eased the anxiety a bit, knowing that Mark was there.

"You're very affectionate today,"Mark murmured quietly. "Does that mean that you're ready to go public?"

"Depends on today,"Axel murmured. "We need to destroy them."

"Are they really all like the triplets?"

"Yes. They're just the loudest and the most extra, if that makes sense."

"They certainly were... extra,"Mark giggled. He squeezed Axel's hand. "Are you nervous?"

"Yes,"he whispered. "But I'll be fine. Don't worry. It won't affect my performance."

Mark cupped Axel's face, and was shocked when the silver haired boy didn't stop him, despite the fact that they were in public.

"I don't care about your performance, Axel. Well I do. Obviously as your captain I want you to do well. But you can sit this match out if it's too hard for you-"

"I would never give it to them. I'm going to play and give it all that I've got!"Axel said passionately.

Mark couldn't help but smile. "I'm rubbing off on you."

Axel couldn't help but stare at Mark's lips. He wanted to kiss him. In public. He didn't care. Everyone's opinion be damned.

Even including the Kirkwood boys? A voice in his head whispered. But he ignored it. They were the last people in the world that mattered now.

"Can I kiss you?"Axel whispered.

Mark's eyes widened in surprise. "What?"

"Can I kiss you?"Axel repeated.

Mark couldn't help but smile as he leaned in. "I thought you'd never ask."

He let the silver haired boy take the lead, and Mark felt as if he was about to melt from happiness.

He heard a few wolf whistles and cheers, which were mostly from Jude, Kevin and Sylvia. The two of them pulled away from each other, flushed.

"You guys are so cute, I actually can't!"Jude squealed.

"Ugh, agreed!"Sylvia said.

Coach Hillman even raised an eyebrow. "Well I suppose I'm not surprised. With all of your dates at the ramen restaurant and everything."

"Congrats you two! But why didn't you tell us sooner?"Kevin asked.

"We didn't not tell you,"Axel said. "We're just private."

Nathan quietly scoffed but nobody heard him.

Kevin laughed. The mood was high after that and everybody on the bus was very chatty, apart from Nathan and Axel, and both for very different reasons.

Nathan was heartbroken as their relationship announcement only made the fact that he could never have Mark that much more evident.

And Axel, on the other hand, was terrified of the Kirkwood boys, but hoped that Mark and the rest of the team could give him enough strength to stand up for himself once and for all.


Axel's palm was sweaty as he clutched Mark's hand. Mark smiled at him. "It'll all be ok."

"I really, really hope so,"Axel sighed.

The team walked to their dressing room. Mark and Axel were at the back of the line, Axel clutching Mark's hand like it was something extremely precious.

The couple were just about to enter the dressing room when they were ambushed by the three German boys from Kirkwood High. The Murdock brothers.

"Blaze?!"one of them yelled.

"Gay boys boyfriend is the Raimon captain?!"

"No way! That's probably why he's in Raimon in the first place. He slept with the captain!"

The three of them laughed extremely ugly laughs.

"Hey, that's not funny!"Mark yelled.

"They're not worth it,"Axel sighed. "I apologise that I had to bring you into this."

"What are you going to do about it, midget?"one of them said meanly.

"I'm going to beat your homophobic asses today at the game of soccer, that's what!"Mark yelled.

Axel was shocked to see Mark getting so aggressive.

"Aww, Blaze is so soft that he has his little boyfriend to stick up for him!"

"Will you ever just fuck off?!"Axel yelled as he wrapped his arm around Mark's waist and pulled him into the dressing room.

"Haha, I bet that they're going to fuck in there or something!"


The two boys stayed at the door until they were sure that the Murdock brothers were gone.

"What the fuck was that about?"Kevin asked.

"Just assholes from my old school. Don't worry about it,"Axel sighed.

"I'd beat them for you if I wouldn't get disqualified for doing it,"Kevin interrupted. "I love you two. I'd hate to see you getting upset over some idiots with weird voices."

Axel giggled. "Thank you, Kevin. I appreciate it."

"You'll never have to worry about that kind of treatment from us. We uplift each other on this team,"said Sylvia.

Axel just smiled, but he didn't say anything again for a while. Everybody else went along with their strategic planning, but Jude and his observant eye could tell that there was more to Axel's quietness.

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