70 - i'd beat them if i could <3

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Axel could feel his entire body shaking as he walked onto the pitch with the team. At least he had Mark beside him who quietly slid his arm around his waist.

Axel whispered,"I'm fine,"but both boys knew it was a lie. Still, Mark played along for Axel's peace of mind and said,"I know, but is there anything wrong with just holding onto my boyfriend before the semi-finals?"

Axel was glad to have Mark's arm around him, despite the fact that he could hear the Kirkwood boys snickering. He tried to just focus on Mark and the Raimon team, but it was getting increasingly difficult.

"We can feel some tension on the pitch today. For those you who don't know, Axel Blaze, one of Raimon's strikers, used to play for Kirkwood in last years tournament, though he infamously deserted them in last years final,"the announcers voice boomed. "Though the Kirkwood team have been showing their strength without Axel Blaze, I hope that both teams can play this match without letting their feelings get in the way."

Axel swallowed. He knew that this was easier said than done. Kevin even offered to take the first kick, but Axel insisted.

Kevin just patted the silver haired boy on the back. "They're just assholes. You know I'd beat the shit out of them for you if it wouldn't disqualify me. And I know you're a great striker and all, but I don't think you'd survive without me, shithead."

Axel just half smiled at Kevin. "They're not worth it. Besides, Raimon needs you."

"We need you too,"Kevin said softly. "Now go! Take that fucking kick! Kick that ball like it's personally wronged you!"

Axel just laughed slightly and ran up the field to take the kick.

"Oh hey, gay boy,"one of the brothers said. "I'm shocked that you're even taking the kick, and not making your little boyfriend take it for you!"

"Enough of the taunting!"the referee yelled just before blowing the whistle.

The game was officially on. Axel just needed to get out of his own head enough to aid the team in winning this game.

The three brothers immediately blocked him, yelling at him. "Gay boy! Take this!"one of them yelled.

"Don't fucking listen to them, Axel!"Kevin yelled.

"They're not even worth it!"Jude yelled. "I know it's hard but concentrate!"

But it wasn't the insults that were holding Axel back, it was some weird defensive move from some other players on the team. Axel was stunned enough to allow one of Kirkwood's players to take the ball.

Jude sighed and looked at Nathan. "I know you don't like him, but any ideas how to help? We're not going to win the game with him in this headspace."

"I hate this homophobic shit too. Pretty annoying when like half our team is gay,"Nathan sighed. "I would say send him off the pitch, but he would refuse, wouldn't he?"

Jude just sighed and smiled,"Yeah, Axel is a stubborn bastard. But that usually works in his favour."

"I know it's easier said than done, but he has to get over it. Getting over it sets you free a little, you know?"

"They're just targeting Axel for a reason. Mark and I are openly gay but that aren't taunting us. I suppose they know how much it affects him,"Jude sighed.

"I would suggest noise cancelling headphones, but he needs to hear,"Nathan sighed.

"I would say that banning taunting on the field altogether would be the way to go, but you know I used to enjoy taunting when I played for Royal."

Nathan raised his eyebrows and laughed. "I'd say that you more than enjoyed it, Jude."

Jude just laughed and cheekily said,"Maybe,"before running off to take the ball off some random Kirkwood midfielder.

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