64 - if i were a rich boy

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Axel looked slightly uncomfortable when Jude's driver pulled up outside his house, but when he saw Mark and Jude in the car, he hesitantly got inside.

"Mark called. What's the occasion, Jude? We barely know each other. Why do you want me there?"

"I find you interesting, Axel. I want to know more about you,"said Jude wistfully.

Mark laughed and put his arm around Axel. "I got to him first, Jude."

Jude playfully rolled his eyes. Axel still remained a bit tense, feeling extremely weird showing affection on front of others, despite Jude knowing about their relationship.

"Sorry to ask the uncomfortable questions, but are you two ever going to go public with your relationship?"Jude asked.

Mark shrugged and looked at Axel. "Whenever Axel wants to."

Axel couldn't help but reveal a small smile. "Aww."

"I just can't get over how cute you two are!"Jude squealed. "You make me feel so single."

"I can't get over how you're the same scary guy from the first match,"Mark said sheepishly.

"Yeah you were kinda awful,"Axel said quietly.

"Yeah, I might've been, but I'm also the reason that you're on the team, am I not?"

Axel looked at Mark, and reached his arm out to him, caressing his face softly. "I couldn't let him destroy you, could I?"

"Even back then you liked him?"Jude swooned. "Oh man I really need a boyfriend!"

The driver laughed in the front seat. "Your time will come, Jude."

Mark and Jude couldn't help but laugh at this but Axel couldn't help but burn with embarrassment.


"I can't believe you actually live in a place like this!"Mark exclaimed.

"I mean, it makes sense,"said Axel. "He has to be rich to afford the Royal fees."

Jude laughed. "I'm actually on scholarship because of my skill at soccer. But I could afford the fees if I wanted to. But the rich don't stay rich by paying fees, I suppose."

Jude dramatically flopped onto his couch. "Ugh, I need to order a fainting couch."

Mark laughed. Axel even looked amused.

"Both of my parents are doctors and I couldn't afford this."

"Tell your parents to become business people with questionable morals and ethics and this life can be yours,"Jude said sarcastically.

Axel crossed his arms and looked at the floor, while Mark tackled Jude in a hug.

"It's ok, Jude. Somebody has to be the shady businessman in this world, and it just so happens to be your father!"

Jude burst into laughter,"That is the funniest attempt at reassurance I have ever heard, Mark."

Mark looked even more confused when Axel joined in.

"This is why I like you Mark,"he smiled at him, and for a second it was almost like he was a different person. When he was with Mark, the silver haired boy was almost sunny.

Mark grinned and shrugged. "I guess I'll just keep being me."

"You definitely should,"said Jude. "You're one of the best team captains I've ever seen. Other than myself, of course."

The three boys continued to talk about life, soccer, and everything else for hours. None of them would have thought this possible even a few months ago, after their first meeting.

Life was looking up for the three of them. But what comes up must come down.

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