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Not much had changed since winning the final. Ray Dark was still on the loose. But the team were happier. They still trained, though not nearly as intensely as before. They played friendly matches against some people who wanted to play 'the best team in the country', which was still a feat Mark Evans could not quite wrap his head around.

Though the team might have an opportunity to play together again after all, as quite a few of them had gotten letters inviting them to try out for the Japan soccer team.

Though tryouts were not for a few weeks, the team had resumed training together as usual.

Not today however, as it was their graduation. Mark's signature orange headband had been replaced with a black one for graduation.

"You look distinguished,"Axel grinned.

Mark blushed. "Oh, stop."

The gang were looking forward to the next chapter of their lives, wherever that would lead them. Nelly was going to college abroad. Sylvia was taking a coaching position in the US. The others were just going to various colleges.

All of them were extremely glad that Willy Glass was not valedictorian. None of them wanted to listen to the self righteous speech he had prepared.

They all threw their caps in the air, cheering, waiting for what the future would hold. However there was one thing that they all knew for sure.

Soccer would be a part of it. And for Mark, that was all he wanted.

Soccer, and the feeling of fluffiness he got around his boyfriend, Axel.


Thanks for sticking with the extremely inconsistent update schedule I've had with this book! Honestly I thought I'd never finish it, but it's thanks to everyone coming back and reading it that encouraged me to finish it in the end. Thanks so much for reading this, I know it took a long time to finish x

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