100 - this is some good shit, man

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It was half time, and most of the team was exhausted. The match was going horribly. At least they got an extra long half time to recover.

Zeus kept pulling one impossible feat after another. Byron even somehow stopped time? Even Jude was beyond flustered.

The team were just in the changing room, guzzling water and cursing out the various members of the Zeus team, when Kevin decided to take a piss before the second half.

Kevin noticed that the Zeus team's changing rooms door was open. He peaked inside, and noticed that they were drinking that weird drink again.

He burst in. "I wanna try whatever that shit is, I don't care that you're the enemy, just give me a glass, please!"

One of the Zeus team members raised his eyebrows. "Get the fuck out of our room, pinky!"

Kevin cursed under his breath. "Listen, I'm trying to be nice. I just want some."

"You can't have it! And you can't be in here! Get the fuck out!"Byron screeched.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "It's not like one glass going missing is going to be a big deal. Unless..."Kevin grinned. "It's drugs! You're taking drugs!"

Byron walked up to Kevin. "What would make you assume that? This team definitely doesn't need drugs to perform."

"I wasn't assuming that, you hot piece of shit! I just know how weird people get about drugs!"

"It's not drugs,"another member of Zeus said. "It's, uh, allergy medication."

Kevin quickly grabbed a glass from a random guys hand and chugged the whole thing. "Yeah, I don't believe that. Gods don't have allergies. I think."

Kevin's pupils dilated and he fell to the floor. "Man, you've got the good shit,"he sighed. "What's it called? I need to ask for this next time I see my dealer."

Kevin just lay on the floor with a derpy smile on his face, his eyes droopy and half closed.

"Fuck!"Byron screamed. "Master Ray is going to kill me!"

"How was I supposed to know that he was just going to take it?"

"Aww man. We have to tell the other team now, don't we?"one guy said. "He definitely can't play now."

"Oh, man. It's such a high dose that he'll probably be out of it for the next few days,"Byron sighed. "It took us months to build up to that amount of god water for fucks sake!"

"Let's just carry him back to the Raimon changing room."

"Ugh, we can't!"Byron cursed. "They'll know we were taking drugs to enhance our performance. How the fuck else are we going to explain that we were taking drugs in the changing room?"

"God water is worth it, man,"Kevin said slowly. "That's a weird ass name, but I like it. Where did you get it?"

"Master Ray made it,"Byron rolled his eyes. "We're probably never going to get it again either. We've cost him the championship, haven't we?"

"Why don't we just lie? Say that this guy hit his head? Or that he was just taking drugs and overdosed or something? Either way we should probably make sure he goes to hospital either way."

"Fuck,"Byron shook his head furiously, his golden blonde hair dancing around his face. "We're completely fucked."

"Not necessarily,"the goalkeeper spoke up. "Why don't we just hide him in one of the bathroom stalls? Nobody will know it was us until well after the game. He's way too high to rat us out."

"Rainbows. Angels with pretty wings,"Kevin giggled. "Everybody in the sky is so hot, damn."

Byron sighed. "Come on then. Lift him there. And make sure not to get caught!"

Three members of the Zeus team carried Kevin between them, and placed him on the floor of the bathroom. He wouldn't stop giggling the whole time, which only heightened Byron's anxiety.

Luckily though, they didn't get caught. The team went out onto the field again. The Raimon team were there too, but a certain pink haired player was missing.


"Where the hell is Kevin?"Axel groaned. "He said he was just taking a piss. He clearly lied."

"Maybe he's just nervous,"Jack piped up innocently. "Like me."

"Kevin doesn't have any emotions other than pure rage,"Sylvia laughed. "I don't think he knows how to be nervous, Jack."

"Still, I'll go check the bathroom. Maybe he's sick or something,"Mark said anxiously.

"He's probably just taking a shit,"Nathan laughed. "I'm sure he's fine."

"I'll still check, just in case,"Mark said.

"Make sure to plug your nostrils!"Jude yelled at Mark.

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