93 - gods are hot, man

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"You're going to do Dragon Tornado,"said Mark to Axel and Kevin. "Towards me. I think I have it figured out."

Axel facepalmed. "What did the coach tell you, Mark?"

"How will I ever perfect anything if I have you babying me all the time?"Mark whined.

"It's true,"Kevin said. "He's says he has it figured out. We should trust him."

Axel sighed. "Are you two serious? I can't seriously do this right now. After what happened last time."

"I'll do it alone then,"said Kevin.

"Please, Axel?"Mark batted his eyelashes at his boyfriend.

"Absolutely not,"Axel turned away. "Kevin, go ahead. But I am not making the same mistake twice."

"Fine,"Mark groaned. "Dragon Crash will have to do. Give it as hard as you can!"

Kevin shrugged. "Alright."

He soared into the air, the blue flames surrounding the ball. It was about to crash into Mark. All of a sudden, a surge of pink flew out of him, but it was gone before it had even appeared.

But the ball didn't even hit Mark anyways. It hit somebody else. A strange figure.

It descended down from the sky in an almost angelic way. Their long blonde hair covered one eye. The ball that Kevin had kicked was sitting in one of their hands.

They grinned. Kevin couldn't help but grin back.

"Damn, girl. You're so hot you stopped my shot with your bare hands!"

"I'm a guy,"a deep voice came out of the figure.

Kevin shrugged. "You're still hot."

"Thank you,"the guy seemed confused. "I heard this team was hella gay but geez. I've not even been here two seconds."

Nathan and Jude both went running at the strange guy, almost tackling each other.

"Are you gay? Are you single?"the two gasped in unison.

"Does it matter? I'm obviously way out of your league,"he flipped his hair.

Mark came out from behind goals. "How did you stop that shot-"

"Easily. It was pathetic!"

"Hey! I'd beat the shit out of you, but it'd ruin your pretty face,"Kevin said angrily.

"Ugh, you guys are so thirsty,"the guy twirled his golden blonde hair in his finger.

"If you're a guy, why are you wearing a dress?"Jack innocently piped up.

"Can you idiots stop with the questions!"the long haired, angelic mystery guy screamed.

"Wait a second!"Jude said. "I recognise you! You're from Zeus!"

Kevin facepalmed. "Oh, we're fucked."

The guy started maniacally laughing. "You are indeed. I'm not even the goalkeeper."

"Fuck,"Mark muttered under his breath.

"I'm being rude!"the guy said. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Byron. You're Mark. Master Ray told me about you."

"Master Ray?!"Jude gasped.

"Master Ray?"Axel curled his lip in disgust.

"Do you wanna fight us or something, hot stuff?"Kevin asked.

Byron started laughing again. "That would imply that we're on the same level, pinky. I am clearly superior to you. I am literally a god."

"Is he?"Jack asked innocently.

"I don't think that's possible, Jack,"said Kevin.

"Then why is he levitating?!"Sylvia said.

"Uh, that I do not know,"Kevin said sheepishly.

"Maybe I am a god,"Byron grinned. "And humans will never be able to compete with gods. I'd give up now while you have the chance!"

"Never!"the whole team yelled in unison.

"I don't care how hot you are! Or if you're a god. Or if you're being controlled by Ray Dark,"Jude yelled. "We will beat you."

"Man, you guys are really boosting my self esteem,"Byron grinned.

"Shut up!"Mark yelled. "We'll beat you! And you can't be a god! It's not possible! It can't be!"

Byron did yet another sarcastic hair flip and giggled. "Oh, you'll see on the field that I, and my fellow teammates are gods. I mean, explain this floating?"

"That has to be some sort of optical illusion that I'm too concussed to understand,"Mark squinted.

"That's adorable. Watch!"

Byron flew into the sky before he had even finished his sentence. The Raimon boys looked around with confusion.

"Let me demonstrate just a fraction of what I'm capable of!" Byron launched the ball at Mark.

"If I can just feel it in my heart. Then maybe I can stop this!"

The pink cloud surged out of him again, but soon faded, and then Mark was thrown to the back of the net. But for a brief moment, it seemed like he could've almost stopped it.

Mark just lay down in the goals and groaned.

"Mark!"everyone in the team ran towards him, but none faster than Axel. He held his boyfriend.

"If I wasn't concussed before, I definitely am now,"Mark groaned.

"For fucks sake, Mark, you shouldn't have picked a fight with him!"Axel said.

"I didn't!"Mark protested weakly.

"You should've just tried to block it with God hand,"Nathan sighed.

"It wouldn't have done anything."

"All your training is clearly doing something. I can see that aura around you, Mark,"Jude said.

"See, I told you so! I'm getting closer!"

Mark saw Byron levitating somewhere off in the distance, grinning to himself. Mark forced himself off the ground, much to the teams concern.

"Was that the best you got? Hit me again!"

The rest of his team blinked. It was a miracle the boy could even stand.

"You're being incredibly stupid right now,"Axel sighed.

"You're my boyfriend, not my mother,"Mark yelled. "Another one, Byron!"

Byron raised his eyebrows. "Well, I'm impressed that you can even stand. I'm looking forward to the finals!"

Then he disappeared. Literally. The team couldn't find him anywhere.

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