83- in the back of the car

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Mark nervously laughed. "What?"

"My dads going to kill me. I hounded him to get me here. I made him go into the school and have a meeting to arrange to get my school work here,"Axel sighed.


"And I'm coming home. With you, Mark."

Mark's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"I could hardly let down the team, could I?"Axel joked.

"Really? I can't believe it!"

Mark couldn't help but kiss the other boy again, though this kiss was much shorter, as they were interrupted by his uncle and aunt.

"Axel, what the actual fuck is going on. You have all these friends from school coming in, wrecking havoc in our house! And you're now kissing one of them! I think this is a lot for one day,"his aunt sighed.

"Are you ok, Axel?"his uncle looked concerned.

Axel went beet red. "Uh, sorry. By the way, I'm gay."

"I kinda guessed. Considering that you are making out with a guy on our driveway,"said his uncle. "That's besides the point."

"I think coming here was the wrong decision."

"Clearly!"his uncle sighed exasperatedly. "Who is this young man anyways?"

"I'm Mark Evans, sir."

"I like him. He's respectful, Axel. I sure hope you aren't leading him along. Your generation is terrible for not committing. I was able to commit, so you should too. It's not that hard!"

Mark struggled not to laugh at the pained expression on Axel's face.

"Uh, he's my boyfriend."

"Good. Your parents raised you right."

"Uh, thank you?"Axel said awkwardly.

There was an awkward silence for a second before Axel's aunt piped up. "Well, are you going home or not?"

"I guess I am,"Axel said.

"Pack your bags then! Ugh, honestly Axel, the way that you're moving around! Taxi's aren't cheap, you know!"

Axel went crimson again.

"Don't worry, I have a driver,"said Mark.

Axel's uncle suddenly looked interested. "Are you rich, Mark?"

"No. It's a friends. You remember that girl from last week?"

"Oh. Is she here?"

"Don't worry,"Mark laughed. "She's back at home."

Axel took Mark's hand and led him into the house. "I know this is a lot to ask, but can you help me pack?"

"Of course. Anything for my star striker."


The two boys worked efficiently enough. They couldn't help stealing glances at each other, though.

"I missed you so much,"Mark sighed.

"Me too. It took everything in me not to come back when Nathan and Nelly asked me to,"Axel sighed.

"Why didn't you?"

"I wanted you to get over me."

Mark giggled. "That's definitely easier said than done. Though if you pull a stunt like that again, I'll send Kevin to beat you up."

Axel raised his eyebrows. "You wouldn't."

"Try me."

Eventually they finished packing Axel's stuff. Axel phoned his father. The other's couldn't help but laugh a little when Axel called his father, and his father cursed Axel out, but eventually relented and told him to visit him at the hospital when he got home.

Axel said goodbye to his relatives as he and Mark walked out to the driver's car.

"Mr Axel!"the driver said in surprise.

"I convinced him,"Mark said smugly.

"Miss Nelly will be very pleased,"said the driver. "Where do you want to go?"

"The hospital. I want to see my dad. And Julia. It has been killing me, not seeing her every night like I usually do."

"Yet another reason not to leave!"Mark said.

Axel just smiled at Mark. "I missed you."

Mark put his hand on Axel's thigh. Axel grinned. "A bit forward, aren't we?"

"I missed you too."

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