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(Y/N) is a 1st year student at Karasuno High School. As he's a freshman, he does not know anyone in the school which isn't a problem for him.

A social butterfly like him wouldn't even take this as a challenge. In fact, he loves it. He loves meeting new people and making friends with them.

"It said here that my classroom should be in the Class A-1, but I have no idea where to go.." (Y/N) mumbled to himself.

He wandered around trying to find Class A-1 but he had no luck. He sighed feeling hopeless until someone approached him.

"Umm, are you alright?" A male with a deep voice suddenly spoke, surprising the petite boy.

He looked up and saw a man with braided hair, a visible look of concern plastered on his face.

"Oh, yes sir I can't find my classroom" (Y/N) said looking down.

'S-sir?' The tall man thought to himself as an imaginary arrow hit his chest.

"Which section are you from? And please don't call me sir I'm also a student here" The man said looking distressed.

"YOU'RE A STUDENT?!" (Y/N) screamed, gaining attention & chuckles from students nearby.

"Oh shit I apologize! I didn't mean to offend you!" (Y/N) stated, almost crying to the sight of the man looking like he's about to pass out anytime.

"Y-yes I am.. My name's Asahi Azumane, A third year." Asahi said while scratching the back of his head.

(Y/N) stared at him in awe, "(Y/N)(L/N) is my name, I am a first year and I don't really know anyone here yet.." He said feeling bad about earlier.

"Ah, what section are you from?" Asahi asked. "My section is A-1, do you know where that is?" (Y/N) said, hoping he does.

"Oh I see, Class A-1 is the classroom beside ours. Let's go I'll take you there." Asahi said that made the boy's (e/c) eyes sparkle.

They made their way to their respective classrooms. A few moments later the bell rang indicating that classes will start.

(Y/N) chose the seat on the 2nd row, near the window. Yeah, very classic.


'I'm pretty excited to be in a new environment, I wonder what kind of people are here'  I thought as I hummed. The teacher gave us free time to at least get to know each other before class starts.

I looked behind to see a tall guy with blonde hair, he's wearing headphones and doesn't seem like he cares about his surroundings.

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