21 || Twenty One

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"Aww what a cute song! Is that person in here?" 

The MC asked Haru who just smiled an nodded.

"This is so sweet! Ah~ young love." 

He said, as he entertained the audience before (Y/N) comes in front.

Kageyama has his eyes fixed on (Y/N), he watches the latter's every movement. 

Kageyama's heart was thumping loud for god knows what reason.

(Y/N), on the other hand, is nervous as hell.

"Do I really have to do this?" He said softly, unaware that the mic was still on, making everyone hear his little rant.

The audience laughed at his cuteness and even the MC noticed it too.

"Mr. (L/N), it seems like you're nervous for this one? Mind spilling the beans?" 

The MC asked the now flustered boy, trying to cover his face.

The crowd found it adorable, they're thinking about keeping (Y/N) in their pockets and protect him at all cost.

"Well... I guess you'll just have to hear it to know.."

(Y/N) said softly, making everyone curious, especially a certain black haired boy.

"The stage is your (Y/N)!"

"Thank you... well my song's title is 'i wanna be your boyfriend'..."

(Y/N) said softly, visibly embarrassed saying his song's title.

Everyone was in awe, surprised by how blunt the title is.

Kageyama and Hinata's head perked up, they somehow found the song familiar.

And then it hit them. It was the one they found on (Y/N)'s house.

Hinata kinda regretting that he didn't peek at the lyrics.

The music started and the crowd's noise lowered down.

'Oh, Yama, I wanna feel you close'

This caught the volleyball team's attention. 

'Oh, Yama, come lie with my bones'

There are two Yamas in the volleyball club.

'Oh, Yama, don't look away'

Only Yamaguchi and Tsukishima knows who that 'Yama' is.

♔52 Hz♚ || 𝐊. 𝐓𝐁 𝐱 𝐌!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now