11 || Eleven

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Another school day but starting now, some things will change. Tobio will come here every morning and after school for our rabbits.

Feeling happy is such an understatement, imagine walking with the person you like to school and on the way home. I could never ask for more.

But enough about me simping, Tobio's about to arrive in a few minutes so I have to prepare myself.

I was just playing with Cream when I heard the doorbell rang. I instantly jolted to the door, too excited to see Tobio.

"Hello, good morning." He greeted as he let out a small smile. "Good morning Tobio, you too Cookies~!" I replied.

He then brought the cage down and let Cookies out of his cage. The two rabbits reunited and cuddled as if they haven't seen each other in years.

Tobio and I just laughed and proceeded to go out. I made sure to lock everything as Tobio kept reminding me.

"Hey, can we head to the convenience store first? I need my morning milk." I said. "Oh yeah sure, I was about to ask you the same thing. I haven't eaten too.." Tobio said as his stomach grumbled.

"What the- why? You should never skip meals Tobio!" I scolded him as he looked away shyly.

"I'll prepare extra breakfast from tomorrow onwards, I mean if it's okay with you to have breakfast with me and also I can make sure you eat properly..." I blabbered and realized that I talked too much.

"Oh fuck I'm sorry about that." I laughed awkwardly.

"It's alright and sure if you don't mind..." He replied, still avoiding my eyes.

"Really?! That's great then! C'mon we'll be late!" I said as I grabbed him by the hand.

We reached the school 10 minutes early so we sighed in relief. We then parted ways to head to our respective classrooms.

On my way to class I saw someone I hoped to never see again. It was probably just my imagination, there's no way he'll be here.

I sighed as I entered my classroom. There are only a few people so I just laid on my desk, trying to forget about earlier.

I was deep in thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see Yamaguchi who then greeted me.

"Are you alright (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Yep, what about you?"

"Fine as well.. Wanna get ice cream?" He asked shyly. It made me smile as I remembered offering him ice cream when he was feeling down.

"Yams.. It's very early." I replied as we both laughed, he's so adorable.

Soon, the classroom was filled by students and a little later, the teacher arrived.

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