23 || Twenty Three

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Kaji and Haru came shortly, carrying alcohols stolen from their fathers.

(Y/N) knows he has no rights to feel broken hearted because he was the one who liked him in the first place.

But he can't help it. He can't help feeling like this because getting your hopes up then see it fall apart hurts like a bitch.

It wasn't his fault he fell for a straight guy.

(Y/N) sighed heavily. Kaji and Haru looked at each other, feeling bad about their friend.

The table was prepared and (Y/N) immediately took a sip of his beer.

"I... want to stay away from him.." (Y/N) suddenly spoke.

"Are you sure about that (Y/N)? You'd end up hurting the two of you..." Kaji spoke, pertaining to what happened in the past.

In all honesty, (Y/N) wasn't sure either. He wanted to stay close to him but at the same time he can't stand being in the same room as Kageyama.

He might seem dramatic but he's quite sensitive, especially with his damaged heart.

"Oh right, have you checked our group chat? We'll have a meeting tomorrow, I think we might become an actual band!" Haru said, hoping to lighten the mood up.


"Yes really!"

"Yay! C'mon let's drink some more!" (Y/N) cheered as he held his can of beer up.

The two sighed in relief as they continued drinking.

The next day, the three of them has their heads on the table, looking lifeless.

It was a very stupid idea to drink on a school night.

The teacher came in and noticed their atmosphere.

"Looks like the top students are not such good role models huh?" He said jokingly making the whole class laugh.

(Y/N) groaned, it seemed to him like the world is spinning.

A certain black haired male was worried sick but will obviously not show it.

He has decided that he'd avoid (Y/N) so he would hurt less. What he isn't aware about is the fact that this is hurting not only him but also (Y/N).

He admits that avoiding (Y/N) only hurts him more but he thinks that it'll be easier for (Y/N) and Yamaguchi to work out.

He looked at (Y/N)'s seat to find the fragile boy all curled up. He wanted to comfort and take care of him.

But all he can do is stare from afar.

Lunch came by, (Y/N), Haru, Hinata, and Kaji all proceeded to the rooftop to eat.

"Fuck, I'm never drinking again." Kaji said as he held his head.

"Wanna drink again later at my house?" (Y/N) offered, obviously teasing.

"Sure what tim- Hey what the fuck!" Kaji stopped, realizing what he said, making everyone laugh.

As they reached the rooftop, Haru, Hinata, and Kaji started eating.

"Hey (Y/N) aren't you gonna eat?" Hinata asked.

"Nah I'm good, my head hurts so much." He said as he laid on Kaji's lap and fell asleep.

"He's still the same as before..." Kaji looked at the small boy sleeping.

Haru and Hinata looked at each other.

"You still love him don't you?" Hinata asked which made Haru panic.

"Hey, don't blurt that out of nowhere!" Haru nagged half whispering.

Kaji chuckled softly, his face looked pained but he's still smiling.

"Honestly I still do, I never stopped loving him.."

Kaji played with (Y/N)'s hair as he smiled bitterly.

"Our relationship was forced to be broken but I was the only one aware of it. I didn't want to tell him because I know there's no way to convince my mother." 

Haru and Hinata looked at the red haired boy, pitying him.

"I didn't even know how much he suffered because of my wicked mother... I still regret everything since I found out." He sighed.

"I'll always love him. If he wants to come back to me, I'll gladly welcome him again and not let him go ever again. But I'll never take advantage of him on times like this." He smiled once again.

"Maybe in another life, he'll be mine again... I'll for him forever." Kaji said, his voice sounded so hurt.

He caressed (Y/N)'s face and thought, 

'In another life... I won't make the same mistake of letting you go.'

Haru, who's currently sobbing hard, hugged Kaji waking (Y/N) up.

"Ngh.. what the fuck.." (Y/N) murmured as he fixed himself to a more comfortable position.

This made the three chuckle, unaware of the black haired boy who accidentally heard everything.

Kageyama didn't know how to feel. He was moved by Kaji's sincerity and love to (Y/N).

He left with a heavy heart. He decided to talk to (Y/N) later and clear things up.

By now, he already gave up. He knew there's no way he'd be able to compete with Kaji and Yamaguchi.

He felt the confidence he built for a long time fall apart just like that.

The little self-esteem he tried protecting, vanished on thin air.

Maybe this will be for the better.

School ended and the Kageyama tried to approach (Y/N).

"Uh.. hey-"

He didn't have the chance to speak when (Y/N) left hurriedly along with Haru.

Kageyama looked confused and.. hurt.

He didn't want to think that (Y/N) is avoiding him now.

Did (Y/N) felt like this too when Kageyama avoided him too?

Only then he realize how shitty he made (Y/N) feel. The cold shoulders, the nasty glares, and the way he avoids (Y/N) purposely.

He felt his heart ache, he's feeling guilty recalling the face (Y/N) made when Kageyama avoided him.

A tear escaped his eye, he can't stop it.

He'll apologize and make it up to him when he gets the chance.


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