25 || Twenty Five

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(Y/N) and Haru are now on the way to their classroom after leaving the club room. They had an early meeting and they won't have practice today so they can attend classes.

(Y/N) and Haru yawned as they entered the classroom, not noticing the people inside due to their drowsiness.

(Y/N), who is now laying down on the floor, fell asleep in an instant.

Haru used (Y/N) as a pillow and fell asleep as well.

They were too tired to notice the stare of a certain black haired boy who've been here since they arrived.

The class was then filled by a few students, including Kaji.

He saw the two laying down and decided to ruin their peace.

He dropped to them, waking the two up.

"Ugh... what the fuck?" (Y/N) complained as he yawned.

Kaji chuckled and hugged him, "(Y/N) baby I missed you~" He cooed, trying to kiss (Y/N) playfully.

(Y/N) was too tired to handle Kaji's bullshit so he just let the latter do his thing.

This left Kageyama's eyes open wide. He wasn't used to their skinship, making him fume but didn't show it.

(Y/N) proceeded to his seat to sleep a little more.

Kageyama just watched him from a distance, wanting to come closer.

He then felt a presence beside him.

"My my, would you lose to me? I already planted a kiss on him." Kaji spoke, pissing Kageyama off.

"Can you leave before I get violent, thank you very much." Kageyama replied, making the red haired chuckle before going to his seat.

Kageyama sighed, he'll definitely apologize and maybe even confess to (Y/N) later.

He wants to fix whatever problem they have. He can't stand this situation. 

Lunch then came, Hinata, Haru, (Y/N), and Kaji left the room to go eat at the rooftop.

"Who even holds a meeting that early, I want to die." (Y/N) complained, making Kaji smack his head.

"Don't say that, even if it's a joke!" He nagged.

"Okay geez, sorry mother." (Y/N) said as he laid down as soon as they reached to rooftop.

Kaji nagged him again, telling him that the floor is dirty.

(Y/N) fell asleep almost instantly which made Kaji sigh and just used his bag as (Y/N)'s pillow.

Kageyama came to the rooftop, panting hard because of running.

As soon as he got there, he saw (Y/N) sleeping peacefully. He didn't want to disturb him so he just went and sat beside Kaji.

"Oi (Y/N), eat before you sleep dumbass!" Kaji said as he tried waking the sleeping boy.

"Mmm... no." (Y/N) said sleepily, making Kaji sigh again.

"Stop sighing, you'll look old." (Y/N) said as he sat up, eyes still closed.

Then, Haru's phone rang.

"Oh, right now? Okay we'll be there." He said as he hang up.

"(Y/N), they need us in the club room. C'mon let's go."

Haru said as he carried their lunch boxes.

"Carry (Y/N) on your back, he's a big baby." Hinata said, looking at Kaji who's thinking the same thing.

They wanted to see Kageyama suffer and get jealous for their entertainment.

Haru then asked (Y/N) to carry their lunch boxes and carried him. Haru then said goodbye at the three and (Y/N) just waved sleepily.

Kageyama, once again, failed to talk to (Y/N).

He can't take this, he misses (Y/N) so much.

He miss talking to him, he cannot even text him because (Y/N) barely opens his phone anymore.

Kageyama sighed again, trying his best not to cry.

"I don't know what made you think avoiding (Y/N) makes it easier but now, it backfired. He isn't even avoiding you purposely yet you can't find time to talk to him." Kaji spoke.

"Maybe it's the universe's way of punishing you, Kageyama. Maybe you'll be forgiven when time comes." It was Hinata now, trying to comfort his friend.

Kageyama thinks that he's right, maybe this was his punishment. He started eating, heart been broke too many times.

Kai just informed the club that they would be having their promotional photos so they must now open their SNS account.

They would also be performing in a gig in two weeks so they must prepare about it.

The five band members are very excited yet nervous of what's about to come.

They never thought they'd reach this far, yet they're still growing.

They then ate their lunches while opening their social media accounts.

Kai snapped a photo of the four, eating and laughing together, tweeting it..

He captioned "Happiness. #Kai"

That was the first official post of their band/shared account.

(Y/N) then replied to the photo. A photo of Kai smiling through his phone, looking at the picture he just snapped.

(Y/N)'s reply was: "The protector. #(Y/N)"

Kai was moved, he looked over to (Y/N) who smiled at him.

For Kai, the club isn't just a club. He treats them like a family, a family he never had.

He was thankful for the boys. Even though he seems more like a boomer, they never make him feel left out.

Almost tearing up from his thoughts, Kai just ate in silence, watching his bandmates fool around and laughing along.

He wants to be with them forever.


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