7 || Seven

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Classes will start in a bit and I arrived a little early, Yams was already in the classroom.

"G'morning~!" I greeted.

"O-oh, (Y/N)! Hello good morning.." Yamaguchi greeted back, looking down.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" 


I tapped my chin, thinking about how I can cheer him up. Then a lightbulb appeared on top of me.

"Hey, do you wanna get ice cream?" I said a bit too excitedly.

"(Y/N).. it's very early."

"Oh right.. Then how about later?!"

"S-sure I guess.."


Then Kei arrived looking grumpy as always.

"Hey hey hey if it isn't my favorite person~!" I annoyed him more.

"Ugh shut up (Y/N), it's too fucking early."

"Aww how rude!!" I pouted, "I know you're nervous because I will be watching you play tomorrow. I mean who wouldn't be nervous if someone as pretty as me is watchi-" I got cut off by Kei who hit the back of my head.

"Oww! How dare you!!"

"You talk to much." He sighed.

I sat down, still pouting and decided to talk to Yams.

"Anyways! I'm so excited to watch you all! I wanna see how you two will play! And I wan-" I got cut off again by the teacher coming in.

"Ugh why do I always get cut off.." I grunted which made Yams laugh.

"Good morning class, so the teachers decided to do a combined project!" The teacher said, "You will have a project and your group mates will be from another section."

A lot of groans and noises of disbeliefs can be heard across the classroom.

'Y'all shits, I don't get what's wrong with that.' I thought to myself.

"But sir, won't they just drag us down?" A girl who does nothing but to whore around ranted in which her dogs agreed.

I just rolled my eyes as the teacher continued speaking.

♔52 Hz♚ || 𝐊. 𝐓𝐁 𝐱 𝐌!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now