8 || Eight

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Friday finally came and it'll be the day where the first years on the volleyball club will have a match.

It was lunch time and I decided to eat with Haru on the cafeteria since the other members are busy and it'll be lonely in the club room with just the two of us.

"But like seriously why are they so busy? Do they have a lover or something?" Haru asked, obviously annoyed.

"There's this thing called 'Personal Time' mister." 

"Fuck personal time I hate that shit." 

"Suck it up Bryan, I'm hungry let's go."

We headed to the not so empty cafeteria. It's packed with students and I don't think I'd be able to breathe here.

"Y'know what? Let's just eat at the rooftop." I suggested in which Haru just nodded.

On the way to the rooftop we bumped into Daichi who seems to be in a hurry. "Hey you two, don't forget to come later alright?" He reminded us and we just nodded.

"I don't get how people can last that long doing physical activities." I said as I opened the rooftop door.

"Do you even exercise? You look like a tree branch or something." 

"Aren't you thin as fuck too?" 

As we were talking, we saw a familiar black haired boy, sitting alone.

"Oh? Kageyama?"

He looked at us, surprise written in his face.

"O-oh.. Hello (Y/N) and Haruki." He greeted us.

"Why are you eating alone? Do you not have friends?" Haru asked which resulted to him getting hit by my hand.

"Haru, you're dumb no cap." I said as I sighed.

"Why are you alone Kageyama? Where's Hinata or the other club members?" I asked as I sat beside him.

"Uhh he's right.. I don't really have much friends." Kageyama said as he scratched the back of his head, feeling embarrassed.

'So adorable!' I thought to myself as I tried to contain my smile.

"That sucks bro, you should've approached us!" Haru said and I just agreed.

"From now on, the three of us will eat here together!" I stated, as I closed my eyes and put my hand in my chest, smiling smugly.

Haru started kneeling and bowing in front of me, saying "All hail Lord (Y/N)!" repeatedly.

"Okay you can stop now dumbass." I said as I laughed. I looked at Kageyama who's now laughing as well.

"Let's get to know each other, I barely know (Y/N) too!" Haru said.

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