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As we walked inside the court, they were already training. My eyes landed to a tall, black haired boy who's setting to an orange haired male.

The way he jumped, his form mid-air, and the way he tossed the ball. It was an exquisite sight.

Every single thing in him screams elegance, his whole existence is beauty itself.

I stared at him in awe, "Hey, Daichi!" Haru called someone. He ran towards the person he just called but my eyes are still glued to the setter with the jersey number of 9.

My eyes are so fixated at him that I didn't even realize the ball that was going towards me. Kei caught the ball and looked at me weirdly.

"The fuck are you doing here? I thought you don't like sports?" He asked, looking grumpy.

"Aww can't I just visit my dear bestie" I said in an attempted cute voice while pretending to kiss him.

"Oh my god stay away from me!" He yelped and ran as Yamaguchi approached me. "Hey (Y/N), are you here to join the club?" He asked.

"Oh no I was just dragged here by my club member, I joined the music club." I explained, "Speaking of which where is that walking lemon?" I asked, looking around.

As I look for Haru, Number 9's eyes and mine locked with each other which made me avert my eyes, feeling nervous.

'Has he been staring for a long time? Goodness! How embarrassing.' I thought to myself as I cursed myself while sighing.

I finally found Haru and immediately walked to where he is.

"Oh (Y/N)!! Come here let me introduce you to my friend!" Haru said excitedly as he dragged me again.

"You bastard, why'd you leave me alone?" I whined as he just laughed and continued dragging me.

"Daichi, this is (Y/N)! He's a first year like me but he's on A-1 so we aren't classmates." He told who I assume is Daichi.

"Nice to meet you, Daichi." I bowed and he did the same.

"You too (Y/N), so you're Kei and Yamaguchi's classmates?" He asked as he shook my hand.

"Ahh yes, we're friends."

"I hope Haru isn't giving you much trouble yeah?" Daichi said making me laugh.

"Oh he's a pain in the ass." I said jokingly.

"Hey!! I'm right here you two!!" Haru said as he pouted.

We just laughed at his response which made him sulk even more.

"Oh? (Y/N)? Are you here to join the club?" A familiar deep voice spoke behind me.

"Ahh, Azumane! Hello!! Didn't know you're a part of the volleyball club." I said, "And nope I'm not here to join, I was just dragged here." I added.

"Ah I see, I hope you did though. I'd love to know you more." He said trying to avoid my eyes.

"Sure thing, we're friends now after all right?" I smiled.

"Right! So what club did you join?"

"I joined the music club, I am bad at sports." I explained while scratching my the back of my neck, feeling embarrassed.

"Ahh that's too bad then, you're always welcome here at the club! Visit us anytime."

"I will, thank you!" I said as I waved to him, walking towards Haru who's talking to the orange haired boy.

"Oi Haru, let's go I wanna go home." I said as I tried to grab him.

"Wait wait wait, I have just made a new bestfriend!" He said pointing at the tangerine.

"Woah! you're pretty, My name is Hinata Shoyo!" The boy said. I smiled at him and Introduced myself as well.

"We'll be leaving now, thank you for your time." I told them as I pulled Haru who is now crying because apparently he'll miss Shoyo.

I took another glance on to the black haired boy and he seems lonely?

His eyes looked dull.

'He surely looks like someone who isn't sociable, good thing Shoyo talks with him.' I thought to myself as we're going towards the door.

We closed the gym door and started walking.

"I noticed that you've been eyeing their number 9. Did he catch my (N/N)'s eyes?" Haru joked that made me hit his sides.

"Ouch, that hurts you little--" I started running before he could catch and have revenge on me.

To my demise, he followed me to our classroom, which is now empty because the other students are in their respective clubs.

"You think you can run away from me?" He said slowly coming closer to me.

"Stay away from me!!" I yelped as he attacked me with tickles.

He finally stopped and sat down as we were both lying on the floor, catching our breaths.

"So you do like him." He suddenly spoke.

"No I don't"

"Then why can't you remove your gaze at him?" He stated, now smirking.

"He seemed lonely and the way he play is very mesmerizing." I answered truthfully.

"Sure, whatever you say lover boy." He teased as he stood up.

I reached my hands at him to help me get up.

I packed my things and waited for him to finish his so we could walk home together.

As we were walking towards the gate, we saw the boy again.

We were about to approach him when he suddenly walked away wearing earphones.

Haru and I just looked at each other and shrugged.

We moved along, talking about random stuff and things that isn't even making sense.

"Imagine if chickens could fly like the other birds." Haru said that made me look at him weirdly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I sighed giving up.

"Oh by the way, give me your contact number so I can add you to our club's group chat."

I gave it to him and we parted ways.

As I entered our house, I was again, greeted by nobody.

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and they're very kind and accepting.

It's just that Mom and Dad are always on different countries due to their work and I don't have any siblings. Which made me

That's why I like making new friends.

They give me the love I have always longed for.

I can't stop thinking about the black haired boy, I want to get to know him more.

Suddenly my phone rang indicating that I received a text.

"Hey lover boy, You know how much of a good friend I am so I asked Daichi the name of that boy. Kageyama Tobio, thank me later ;)" My mouth fell and my eyes widened.

'This dumbass!' I thought as I bit my nails.

'Kageyama Tobio huh, I hope I see him again tomorrow.' I smiled as I continued my night.


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