14 || Fourteen

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Kags and I went home together as usual but as we were nearing to my house, we saw a woman who seemed to be in panic in front of my gate.

"Miss? Do you need anything?" I asked as we approached her.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I was too tired on the way home and I didn't notice that your rabbits were on the road... I am willing to pay for everything." She said as she bowed to us, giving the box of two dead rabbits.

I got sad, but I don't blame her. "It's okay... Just come to the funeral tomorrow." I said as I sniffed.

She thanked me and apologized again, promising to come to the funeral.

Kags and I proceeded inside my house as I cried. We put Cookies and Cream outside since we can't let their children see them like that.

I cried in Tobio's arms and he comforted me.

I messaged Yams, Tsukki, Hinata, and all of my club members to come tomorrow after school.


The next day, they were sad about the news so they all went to (Y/N)'s house to help him with the burial.

They were all wearing black, (Y/N) is sitting in between Tobio and Haru.

"I've finished digging your rabbits' hole." Kazu said.

"That's what she said." (Y/N) and Haru said in unison with a sad face. 

(Y/N) cleared his throat, "Come on guys, It's a funeral. Let's be serious now."

"Fuck you both." Kazu replied as he placed the shovel back.

Kai and Ken couldn't help but let out a laugh that they've been holding on for too long but they then cleared their throats as they attempted to make a serious face.

"I can't believe we're having a funeral for fucking rabbits." Tsukki said.

"We are now burying the rabbits of Mr. Kageyama and Mr. (L/N), please stand in front to give your speeches." Kaito said.

(Y/N)'s neighbor, whose name is Jessica wearing apple bottom jeans and boot with a fur, came first to give her speech.

"I am really sorry for the loss of your rabbits, It was my fault that I wasn't focused on the road. You two might be missed." She said as she bowed.

"Damn, double homicide." Kazu said, Ken trying his best to keep the serious expression.

"Bitch." (Y/N) half-whispered as he teared up again.

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