15 || Fifteen

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Just like that, the weekend has passed. And apparently, Haru and Hinata caught Tobio and I cuddling as well so we had to delete their photos for our photos to be deleted.

It was pretty cute not gonna lie but of course, I'm not that shameless.

Or am I?

"Hinata, please please send me that photo. I'm pretty sure you didn't delete it." I tried acting cute which, thankfully, worked.

Hinata and I are currently in the school's garden, it's become our hangout/meeting place. Thankfully Haru isn't here yet, while Tobio went to buy something.

"Okay okay, don't tell Kageyama though. I'll delete it after sending it to you." He said which made me cheer silently.

I finally received the photo and instantly set it as my wallpaper.

Hinata then deleted it and we talked a little more before the two arrived.

"Shoyo!!" Haru ran up to Hinata and hugged him.

"No fair! I'm gonna call you Shoyo now too!" I said as I wanted to call them by their first names.

Then suddenly, I felt a presence beside me. I looked to see Kags holding a box of milk, passing it to me. Though, he can't look me in the eyes.

"Oh, thank you!" I said as I gratefully took the box of milk and drank it.

He just smiled and proceeded to drink his.

"We should go to the club room later, so you can start practising." Haru said as he finally let go of Shoyo.

"Oh right I forgot about that!" I replied, "Well I think our seniors won't be in the club room later. So Kags I can teach you piano instead!"

"O-oh.. sure.." He replied, looking a bit red.

Is he sick? I subconsciously reach out and hold his head while holding mine, checking his temperature.

They all deadpanned, especially Tobio who turned even more red now.

"Are you sick? Should we go to the clinic?" I asked as he seemed to have a fever.

"N-no! I'm g-good! Yes I'm okay, very nice, perfectly fine." Tobio replied.

I raised an eyebrow, he looked like he's malfunctioning.

I looked at the two who're now struggling with holding their laughters back.

"What's so funn-" I was interrupted by the bell. The two hurriedly took their bags as they ran as fast as they could.

"Let's go?" I heard Kags behind me. I looked back to see him in his usual cold face, like nothing even happened.

'Huh, weird.' I thought as I shrugged it off, walking with Tobio towards our room.

Teachers usually come 10 minutes after the bell rings so we're safe. We walked in and saw Kaji reading something.

I somehow want to try and hear his side but I still get scared around him everytime which makes it hard.

Hopefully, I'd be able to talk to him again. Even though he hurt me, he was still my best friend.

I sighed as I just laid my head against my desk, contemplating about everything.

I didn't even notice that class started, I also didn't feel the two boys staring at me worriedly.

Then the teacher called me suddenly, asking me a question.

"Since Mr. (Y/N) is not paying attention in class, how about answer this question on the board?" My math teacher whom I despise the most called me up.

Don't get me wrong, I love the subject but not the teacher.

I looked up to see the question. It wrote, 'What is the value of x if x * 2x + 25 - 35 = 0'.

I studied it for a minute and proceeded to write the solution before writing the final answer which is 'x = 5'

They were all amazed, since the teacher hasn't discussed it yet.

"Oh wow... how?" The teacher asked.

"I do advanced reading, sir. Now if you may excuse me." I replied as I bowed and walked towards my seat like the king I am.

Now that I couldn't slack off, I just decided to scribble on my notebook only to find a huge dick drawn on one of its pages.

I already know who did this so after class ended I went and smacked the notebook off on Haru's head.

"Ouch! What the fuck?" Haru yelped as he looked at me. "What the hell was that?!"

"What the hell is this?" I showed him the drawing in which he just laughed awkwardly.

"Well... surprise?" He said before running around.

I chased him for a while before  stopping to catch my breath. Tobio and Shoyo is already at our seats, waiting for us.

"(Y/N)! Why did you draw a big pp!" Shoyo explained making Tobio, Haru, and Yams laugh.

"Ahh no!! It wasn't me, it was Haru!" I cried as I ripped the page, making them laugh even more.

Then the next teacher came, so we got back to our respective seats. Soon enough, lunch time and the four of us decided to eat on the club room.

It has been our thing to do things together, maybe we'll soon come up with our own squad name. Just kidding.

We entered the empty club room since our seniors are busy doing their things.

"Ahh~ it feels different going in empty in here!" Haru said as I nodded.

We then proceeded to eat lunch, we normally share food with each other so eating with them is fun.

As soon as we finished eating, Tobio and Shoyo went to the instrument they wanna play. Haru and I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute the two are.

"So how and where do I start?" Kags asked me which made me laugh.

I then proceeded to tell him what to do and how to learn quickly.

"You learn pretty quickly, let's try the chords now." I said as I touched his hands.

"Put your finger here, and another one here. Do you understand? This chord is called C major, basically the easiest." I explained.

I noticed that Tobio isn't really responding and seems stagnant. I walked in front of him only to find him covering his face.

'Huh, what's wrong? He's been acting weird since this morning..' I thought to myself.

"Are you feeling sick? You've been acting a bit strange since morning.." I looked at him worriedly.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine.. no worries.." He replied, looking a bit red.

"Oh okay then, tell me when you're not feeling well." I reassured him which he just nodded.

I decided to just show him how to do it first because he seems uncomfortable with me guiding his hand.

The day went on pretty well and the two learned a few chords in just a day.


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