13 | Thirteen

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A month has passed, Cookies gave birth to two babies! One's pure brown while the other was more like a dirty white-ish color. Their names are Choco and Pudding.

Tobio rang the doorbell and when he opened the door, he was greeted by the three rabbits. We really do look like a married couple (¬‿¬).

Looking at him, he's sitting on the floor with our fur babies on his lap. He looks so happy, happier than he used to be.

It's honestly a beautiful sight, seeing Tobio having fun and genuinely smiling. I can stare at his face for a day and I won't get tired of it.

But I must stop simping. He's way too attractive, I probably won't reach his standards. He could get girl with that looks of his, I am out of his league.

We then left the house and made our way to school, together.


(Y/N) and Tobio made their way to our classroom, a lot of things happened after that incident. (Y/N) was the first in class academically followed by Kaji.

Haru was 6th and well Hinata and Tobio are on the 30ths... But as Tobio said, this isn't about them so it doesn't matter.

Although it made Tobio insecure. He kept thinking that (Y/N)'s standards are way too different to who he is. 

Also, the day after the accident, Kaji asked another classmate to switch seat with him. He's probably feeling bad about (Y/N) but that doesn't make up to all the hard days (Y/N) went through because of him.

They also finished the group project successfully, receiving high marks from the teachers. School was going well with them.

"Good morning class. So as you all know, our school festival is coming soon." The teacher said. "Which means there will be booths, fun activities, performances, basically a day off." He smiled.

A lot of cheers could be heard across the classroom. "Students from other will also come since in the last day of the festival, the music club will be performing. They do it yearly, and it attracts people from outside the school." The teacher said.

"I've heard about that, they said that the crowd is unusually big on the last day of the festival." Haru whispered to (Y/N), making him amazed.

The teacher proceeded to explain the activities, he said that there won't be sport related activities so the members of sports clubs will have to choose different activities.

Yamaguchi then asked Hinata and Kageyama if they know how to sing or play any instrument. They both answered no but they're willing to learn. 

Since Yamaguchi could play the bass guitar while Tsukishima can play the drums, they decided to form a band with the two first years on their club.

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