24 || Twenty Four

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Kai wanted us on the club room as soon as class ended. He said it's best to discuss it all together.

Haru and I arrived a bit earlier, panting hard due to running.

"Damn, we were too earlier." Haru said as he tried catching his breath.

I just laughed and laid on the floor.

He sat beside me so I used his lap as a pillow.

"What do you think about us being an actual band?" I asked him as I closed my eyes.

"I honestly love the idea, though that will probably get in the way of our studies." He replied.

I just hummed and tried to sleep.

 Soon enough, the rest of the members came so we sat properly.

"So I'll get straight to the point, an agency saw us play and were amazed by our skills." 

Kai explained, everyone's attention is focused on him.

"They were asking if we'd be willing to be an actual band and perform in gigs."

Everyone was really thinking about this since it'll affect many things in our life.

"I'm okay with it." I spoke first, breaking the silence.

"My grades are fine and I don't really have much to do at home so I have plenty of time, my family won't also worry so I'm all good." 

I explained making them nod.

"Well I'm okay with it too, same reason as (Y/N)."

Haru said, looking at me with a smile.

"Our grades are pretty good anyways, we'll also be able to earn money while doing the thing we love. Isn't that a win-win?" Kazu spoke and everyone agreed.

"We'll I guess it's settled then."

"Huh? Just like that?" Ken asked, looking at everyone.

"Yeah, do you somehow disagree?" Kai asked him.

"Nah, just surprised.." He replied.

"Okay then, we should decide the band's name."

We brainstormed, combining our ideas.

"How about CROW5? Karasuno is known to be crows anyways." Kazu suggested.

An echo of 'ooh's could be heard, we found the idea nice.

"Does anyone have an objection?" Kai asked to which we shook our head no.

"It's settled then, we are now the CROW5!" He said as we all cheered.

"Starting next tomorrow, we'll be busy. Make sure you tell your teachers tomorrow, I'll get permission from the principal.


I will definitely apologize to (Y/N) today, no matter what. It was very inconsiderate of me.

I sat on my chair, the classroom is still empty since it's very early.

Soon enough, the classroom was started to be filled by my classmates but (Y/N) is still nowhere to be found.

I looked at Haruki's chair and saw that he wasn't here too, along with Kaji. Did they drink again? Didn't they just did the other day?

The door opened and Kaji entered, looking well so they probably didn't drink.

The teacher came but the two still hasn't arrived which made me worry.

I looked over to Hinata and saw that he didn't seem to mind their absence, probably because he knows the reason why.

The teacher was about to start the lecture when the door opened again revealing (Y/N) and Haru who aren't in their uniforms.

They proceeded to talk with the teacher, I couldn't hear what they said but the teacher had a shocked and joyed look on his face.

They finished chatting and bowed their heads before leaving, not even sparing a glance to me.

That somehow hurt me. I remember how he used to look at me sweetly whenever I'm around.

I sighed, not feeling like listening to the lecture so I just scribbled on my notebook.

Lunch time came by, still no sign of (Y/N) and Haru. I went to the canteen to see Kaji and Hinata eating together.

I'm contemplating whether to let my pride or my curiosity take over me .

I made up my mind, I'll talk to them. I approached them at their table, looking embarrassed.

They looked at me, looking surprised to see me.

"M-may I sit here..?" I stuttered, looking more of a dumbass.

They looked at each other before slowly nodding.

"What's up?" Kaji asked me.

"Nothing much.. how about you?" I replied.

"You're here to ask about (Y/N), right?" Hinata spoke.

I was taken aback but I nodded.

They both sighed as they looked at me.

"They won't be that active in school much starting today.." Kaji said.

Huh? What does he mean? Is it related to the band?

Hinata seemed to notice the confusion in my face.

"They were casted by an agency, they might eventually be a real band soon. In the worst case scenario, they might stick to home-schooling." Hinata explained.

I don't know what to feel, my emotions are blending inside.

"Why are you looking for him anyways? Weren't you the one who avoided him first?" Kaji asked as he chew his food.

I looked down. He's right, it was my fault. But that is exactly why I'm going to apologize to him.

"I want to apologize to him... I can't stand not being with him.." I confessed, making Hinata choke on his water.

Kaji laughed before handing him a tissue.

"I mean, we already knew you liked him but hearing it from you feels different." said Hinata.

Kaji agreed which made me wonder if I was that obvious.

"Am I that... obvious?" I asked.

"Honestly yeah, but I don't know if (Y/N) is just dumb or oblivious to see it. Everyone except him can see it."

 Kaji said as he pointed his fork at me sassily.

"You better apologize as soon as you can, before it's too late." He added making me feel uneasy when he said the last words.

"Anyways, go eat your lunch now. If (Y/N) was he'd already nag you about it." Hinata said, making me smile softly.

I miss it when he nags me if I don't eat my lunch, I miss everything about him.

I want to apologize, I must apologize.


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