17 || Seventeen

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Today's finally the day of the festival! Everybody worked really hard for this to happen so we will most definitely enjoy it!

The four of us are walking around, appreciating everything. Shoyo and I already bought plenty of food, eating them while wandering around.

'The Battle of the Bands' event will start in three hours so we have plenty of time to roam. 

We decided to just look around first to familiarize ourselves and decide which games we'd join.

There are the haunted house, photo booths, jail booth, and even a marriage booth.

I came up with an idea of putting Shoyo and Haru on the marriage booth, I'm such a good friend!

"What would you like to play later, Kags?" I asked Tobio who's beside me.

"I don't know.. I'll just follow you around." He replied.

"Ehh? You won't have fun!"

"Everything I do with you is fun..." He whispered, barely audible. 

"O-oh.. Is that so..." I replied, feeling flustered.

"Oi why are you two like that? Did you eat something spicy?" Haru asked, obviously teasing us.

"Y-yeah! Oh look at that!" I said as I pointed at something.

The three of them looked at the direction I pointed and I took the opportunity to grab Tobio's arms and separate with Haru and Shoyo.

"Huh? Hey (Y/N)! Don't leave us here!" Haru shouted as I kept running.

Soon enough, we vanished into the ocean crowd. I tried catching my breath as I laugh.

Kags, who's also panting, asked me "What was that for?"

"We must stay away from them to enjoy ourselves and besides, I wanted to tease Haru. He'll be so flustered being alone with Shoyo!" I said as I smiled widely.

I heard him chuckle, "You're right."

We then started walking when I saw a booth that attracted my eyes.

"Kags! Look! A teddy prize!" I jumped like a kid.

"Wanna play that? Let's try winning the bear." He smiled at me and my eyes sparkled.

We went and paid for the tickets and tried shooting.

I went first and as expected, I didn't hit any.

Kageyama tried next which he miserably failed as well, he looks cute having a hard time.

A few more minutes, we gave up since neither of us could hit the targets.

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