9 || Nine

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I barely got any sleep, being too excited to go at (Y/N)'s place. (Y/N) already sent us his location in the group chat he created yesterday for the four of us.

It's been a good thirty minutes of me picking out what to wear. 'Wait, why am I even bothering? It's not like I'm going on a date with him..' I thought to myself as I sighed.

In the end, I just wore a plain white t-shirt and jeans. I took a glance in my appearance on last time, frowning as I feel insecure. 

Everything about (Y/N) is adoring and nice. On contrary, I'm just plain and boring. I sighed once more before leaving the house.

As I was walking, I felt my phone vibrate so I checked who messaged and saw that it was our group chat. It was a message from Haru saying he's near at (Y/N)'s home.

I placed my phone back and hurriedly ran to (Y/N)'s house. I didn't want anyone coming there before me!

I arrived first, thankfully. I was panting hard, trying to catch my breath after running. Haru arrived a few minutes after me.

"Have you rang the door bell?" Haru asked.

I nodded, "I did for quite a while now but I received no response.."

Haru leaned on the door, trying to contact (Y/N). He accidentally pressed the door knob which made the door open resulting to him falling and rolling on the floor.

"What the fuck, why is this open?" Haru asked as he massaged his ass.

The place was dark and cold, it almost seem like no one's residing here. We wandered around until we reached a door with a faint light coming under.

Haru knocked and opened the door only to be welcomed by a bit messy room with the computer turned on and a sleeping (Y/N) under a blanket.

I checked the time and saw that it's still 9:30 am, I guess we came a little early.

(Y/N)'s head can be seen, I stared and admired his sleeping face. How can someone look so graceful and serene while sleeping?

I think I've stared at his face for about a minute until my thoughts were interrupted by Haru pulling the blanket.

"HEY! Wake up bitch!" Haru said and smacked (Y/N)'s ass.

♔52 Hz♚ || 𝐊. 𝐓𝐁 𝐱 𝐌!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now