6 || Six

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"Kageyama?" (Y/N)'s voice was all Kageyama heard. Everything was silent, no one was moving nor making a sound.

"I- uh- I'm going now, see you!" Kageyama said as he almost tripped obviously embarrassed about the situation he put himself in.

'What a way to catch your crush's attention Kageyama." Kageyama thought as he ran across the hall, 'Wait.. crush? I have a crush on him?'

When Kageyama felt like he's far enough, he stopped running to catch his breath. He's not easily tired because he practice a lot but with the nervousness he's feeling, he thought he'd pass away anytime soon.

That was definitely the most embarrassing moment he's ever been through in his life, he mentally noted not to pry again.

'Wait.. he called me by my name... HE KNOWS MY NAME!' Kageyama's face flushed red as he thought about (Y/N) calling him by his name.

(Y/N) was still confused about what happened. He was surprised to see Kageyama out of nowhere.

'How long has he been there? Did he hear me sing? Oh god that's so embarrassing.' (Y/N) thought as he covers his face.

Little does he know, someone's looking at him with an unreadable face.

They decided to go to their respective classrooms before the bell rings.

(Y/N) laid his head on his table, trying to process what has happened.

"Oh~ is our little (Y/N) tired? What did you do last night hmm?" (Y/N) already knew whose voice it's from and faced him.

"Oh no Tsukkipie, I am perfectly fine~" (Y/N) said with a smug look on his face.

"Tch" was all Kei could say, "So what's up (Y/N)? Is something troubling you?" Yamaguchi questioned and (Y/N) just smiled.

"Nah, I was just tired from running. How're things doing in your club?"

"Oh right! Speaking of that, (Y/N), Daichi told me to tell your friend that the two of you should watch us play on Friday!" Yams said which made (Y/N)'s mouth form an 'o'.

"Ehh? Really? Okay then, I'll try to go too!" (Y/N) said smiling, 'Of course I'll go, I'd get to see Kageyama.' (Y/N) thought to himself.

"That's great! See you there!" Yams said and (Y/N) just nodded since the teacher finally arrived.

Soon, classes ended and the students are either going home or to their clubs.

(Y/N) decided to go to the vending machine first before heading to the club.


I was on the way to the gym when I heard a familiar voice speak, I decided to hide behind the wall.

♔52 Hz♚ || 𝐊. 𝐓𝐁 𝐱 𝐌!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now