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Classes were cancelled because it's club day! We are supposed to look around and find the club we wanted to join.

I am now walking alone because Tsukki and Yams wanted to join Volleyball Club.

I don't really have interest in sports or anything related to that, my body is very fragile and weak.

Looking around, I finally spotted the Music Club. I was nervous but excited, I knocked twice before entering.

To my surprise, I only saw 4 males talking and laughing with each other. They saw me enter and was just staring at me.

"Umm Hello..?" I greeted them who're still staring at me. "Hey hey who's this pretty boy?" A boy with brown hair asked, I raised my eyebrow as I eyed him.

"Stop it, Haruki. Don't scare the new comer. Hello there, how may I help you?" The boy with a pretty blue hair smiled.

"I'm here to join this club, are you open for new members?" I asked, hopefully it is. "Ah yes! We actually lack members." He replied feeling embarrassed.

"My name is Kaito, Kaito Fukomoto. What about you?" He introduced while still smiling.

"Ah I'm (Y/N)(L/N), I am a first year." I said feeling a bit shy.

"So which instruments do you play?" A tall guy with gray hair spoke.

'Sheesh he's scary.' I thought to myself, "Am I?" He said looking a bit disappointed.

"Oh shit did I say that out loud." I covered my mouth. They stared at me with shocked expressions. I didn't know what to do so I just bowed my head and apologized.

The boy with brown hair burst out laughing, then immediately fell from the chair. "Ow, damn it." He said while caressing his head.

"Hi hi, I like you already. My name is Haruki Yamato!" He said as he raise his hand, wanting me to help him.

"Uhh thanks Haruki, I like me too." I said as I pulled him up. He just laughed and walked to a quiet guy with black hair.

"This is Kazuya Akamine, He is a bit too quiet but he's just like that!" He said as he moved to the gray haired man.

"And this big boy is Kentaro Oshiro, he looks intimidating but he's just a big baby." He pointed at Kentaro whose face flushed red. "H-hey I'm not a baby!" Kentaro objected cutely with his deep voice.

I chuckled at it him, making him more flustered. "Stop teasing him, Haruki." Kaito said, "(Y/N), will you please fill this form up so you can be a member of the club." Kaito said smiling, passing me a paper and a pen.

I filled it up and gave it back to him, muttering a little thank you. "Ahh, you want the lead vocalist position?" He announced.

"Ahh yes, if it's okay.." I said looking down while scratching the back of my neck.

"Of course it is! A lead vocalist is what we're looking for actually." Kaito said, reassuring me which I'm very thankful for.

"Hmm, you also play the guitar and you compose music? Damn you could be a whole band alone." Haruki joked, which made me laugh a little.

"Ahh~ I'm not that good at any of those though, just decent enough.. I guess?" I said feeling shy. They all look at me in awe which made me turn red.

"Aww don't be like that, have more faith in yourself." Kentaro spoke, showing me a thumbs up while winking.

"Ahh thank you, what do you guys play?" I asked them, looking curious."

"I play the Electric Guitar, Kaito plays the Bass and Acoustic Guitar, Kentaro plays the drums and Kazuya plays the keyboard. We can all sing but usually Kaito and Kazuya takes the vocal spot since we don't have a lead vocalist yet, but now you're here!" Haruki exclaimed.

'Wow, he talks too much.' I thought making sure I didn't speak out loud but Kazuya laughed while looking at me, like he read my mind. I looked away feeling embarrassed.

"I see, thank you for the information." I said bowing my head. "Ahh~ Stop being so formal, from now on we're friends alright? I am a first year too anyways!" He said which just made me nod.

"Oh really? Which class are you from?" I asked him and he replied, "I am from Class A-2. Kazuya and Kentaro are 2nd years while Kaito is a 3rd year." He explained that enlightened me.

"You guys may go now, I'll just wait for a few more minutes. I'll pass the forms to the teacher later. Let's all meet here again tomorrow to at least get to know each other." Kaito told us and we thanked him before leaving.

"Let's go?" Haruki said in which I only nodded.

"You seem close with the seniors despite being a first year." I stated

"Ahh Kentaro and I are actually bestfriends since middle school. Him and the other two were already in a band, I just got dragged and somehow enjoyed it so I joined them." he answered.

I just hummed and we continued walking.

"Where are we going?" He asked,

"I have no idea, wanna stroll?" I suggested in which he agreed agreed quickly.

"So, do you know anyone from here?" Haru asked.

"Not really, just classmates I made friends with yesterday..."

"Oh? Which class are you from?"

"Class A-1"

"Ahh~ you must be smart then."

"Not really, I barely even study."

As we were talking, realized that we're in front of the volleyball court.

"Oh, looks like it's the volleyball club. I know someone here! Let's come and see them." Haru said.

"You know so many people, I am starting to feel like you're some kind of spy that gathers data of the students!" I gasped exaggeratedly, earning a chuckle from Haru.

"Don't be stupid, (N/n) why would I want the students' data." He said as he ruffled my hair.

"Hey! Just because you're taller doesn't mean you can mess my hair up like that!" I ranted and he just laughed it off, dragging me to the court.

I had no choice but to go in too, I mean Tsukki and Yams are probably in there too.


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