27 || Twenty Seven

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Three days has passed quickly in a blink of an eye. Today's Friday and it's the day of our debut as a band.

Although it won't be as big as those idols, we're pretty happy about it. We don't need something grand for our debut, we want it to be memorable.

Yamaguchi, Shoyo, and Kaji informed us that they were coming which made me happy.

I'm not really sure if I want Kageyama here. A part of me wants him to come see me perform while the other wishes he won't.

Contradicting myself; hurting my feelings. How typical.

We skipped and will skip school for the last time,  still catching up with our grades to hopefully not fail.

After practicing a bit, Kai suggested that we go to the café nearby to somehow calm us, which we found as a good idea.

Upon entering, serenity welcome us. Everything in here is aesthetically pleasing— the walls painted in light brown; coffee-like color, the minimalism, and of course, the aroma of a freshly brewed coffee occupying our noses.

The atmosphere in here is much much different to the outside world. This place seemed like it came out of a fairytale.

We found ourselves a place to sit and chat while waiting. This is a perfect place to relax and collect yourself.

I checked my phone to see a good 20 messages from Kageyama and a few missed calls, hesitating whether to reply to it now or later.

"I might 've overheard your conversation with Haru the other day. If you don't feel sure, take your time." 

Kazu, who sat beside me, spoke softly.

I chuckled softly, "Maybe I'm not ready, thank you." I replied, smiling brightly.

Kazu smiled back before looking at me.

"But taking your time doesn't mean forever." He spoke in a melancholic tone.

I shivered, "What do you mean?"

"You must treasure what you have now, before it's too late."

Did he perhaps lose someone special to him?

"I apologize if this is a bit sensitive but, could it be that you have lost someone you treasure?" I asked curiously.

He smiled bitterly, looking on the window before responding.

"Yeah... I have. And it wasn't just mine, it was Kai's too."

I was shocked, was this person a band member before?

"You're probably curious," he said, chuckling. "I'll tell you."

I just stared at him, determined to know the story.

"We used to be three, bestfriends. We do things together, no one gets left behind so we're basically inseparable." He said as he laughed softly.

"Her name was Mizuki, I loved and still love her from the bottom of my heart." 

He might look emotionless but he still has feelings.

"Then eventually, I've gathered up my courage and tried to confess to her." 

I smiled at the cuteness of this conversation.

"But someone got to do it first, and it was Kai..."

My eyes opened wide, not expecting what I heard.

"I never knew that Kai loved her too and as the coward I was, I never got to say my feelings out loud."

The rays of sunlight flashed at his face, making him look like an angel.

"I supported them and was happy for them but that doesn't mean the pain stopped. They started going out for about a year."

He paused, probably hesitating whether to continue or just stop.

"Then... they were on their date when an accident happened..."

My heart dropped, the information was too much for me.

"I was sitting at home eating dinner, the tv was on and I saw their names and pictures on the news."

He sighed.

"Apparently, someone was driving in the influence of alcohol so they both got into the accident. Kai survived because Mizuki pushed her away, resulting to Kai only having a few wounds and only her life being taken..."

I felt like crying, they've been through a lot but they still managed to look fine.

I saw Kazu look at Kai with his soft eyes, "That boy has had a shitty life but he still smile like he's fine. I respect him for that, he's a very strong person."

He said as we looked Kai who's laughing while teasing Ken.

"When he acts like a father or a bit too overprotective of you, please understand that he's jus afraid to lose you too." He said as he smiled at me.

I smiled back, feeling the tears flow on my face.

"Of course, I love it when he's like that. He's like the brother I've never had.."

I said as more tears come out.

Kazu just laughed as he handed me a tissue.

"HEY! Why are you crying?! Did Kazu hurt you? Are you okay?" 

Kai hurriedly came beside me, a plastered worried expression on his face.

I laughed as I shook my head no as I hugged him tightly.

At first he seemed to be surprised but eventually he hugged back and hushed me, rubbing his hands on my back.

"There there, I will punish Kazu later. Don't cry anymore okay?" His sweet voice calmed me down.

"I'm not a child, Kai." I said as I laughed.

The rest of them laughed along, even Kai.

This boy is too precious, he must be protected at all cost.


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