🍁Chapter 3 ~The Human Dimension~

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There was a rumor, that if you ever step inside the forest uptop the mountain in Miyagi and found the spirit that guards within the forest..They would grant you a wish....

But not many people believed the rumor anymore. The people that got lost inside the forest, and for the very first time, saw the fox spirit with their own eyes. Finally believed.

And within the forest...There is a Fox Spirit trying to contact his friend for help.

"Hello Ludovic."

Shoyo looks at the magical mirror infront of him.

"Now what do ya need now huh?"

Ludovic, a demon from the underworld who's job is to punish the evil and the guide of the souls to the afterlife. Looks at his friend in a questioning manner.

"I need your help."

"Yeahh??? And what is it??" Ludovic asks while sipping some sake.

"I want you to temporarily guard this forest while I'm gone."

Ludovic spits his sake in surprise and started coughing. A guy who seems to be the assistant of Ludovic started patting his back.

"Oh, hello there Toushinari-kun."

Shoyo greeted and bows his head. Toushinari smiles and waves at him as he continues patting Ludovic's back.

"Are you seriously serious right now?!" Ludovic shouted at him.


"You do know I have work right??.." Ludovic rubs the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Yes, your the only person I could ask for help."

"Geez.....Your so lonely Hinata.." Ludovic looks at Shoyo in sadness. Shoyo just tilts his head in confusion.

"*sigh*....Alright then! I'll put Tou-kun there since I have work." Ludovic said.

"Thank you for your help. Ludovic, Toushinari-kun" Shoyo bows his head.

"Its nothing! Thats what friends are for yeah?" Ludovic cheekily smiles.

"When will you go? And come back?"

"I will go today, and coming back?....Hnnn.....I am not sure."

"Well....Alright then, your lucky Tou-kun has a lot of free time! Gotta go now since I still have a lot of work to do, Tou-kun will arrive there shortly"

"Thank you again, goodluck on your work."

And the magical mirror disappears. Shoyo stood up and dusted off his kimono.

And suddenly there was a black portal infront of him and there was Toushinari coming out from it.

"Hello Hinata! Are you going out now?"

"Yes, thank you again." Shoyo bows as cherry petal's started to surround Shoyo and he disappears.

"Good luck, have a safe journey." Toushinari waves his hand as the cherry petal's flew away.

The cherry petal's stops at the entrance of the forest and Shoyo re-appears as he lands safely to the ground.

He looks down from uptop and saw buildings from afar. There was smoke surrounding Shoyo and his ears and tails disappears.

The Fox Spirit🍁☀ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐ | DISCONTINUED |Where stories live. Discover now