🍁Chapter 27 ~Still Trapped~

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"Well well well~....If it isn't that old fox's students! How I miss you guys so much!"

The guy's voice sounded everywhere in the void making you feel confused as to where he is.

"Oh?~ and it seems theres humans involved this time!" The voice sounded beside Kuroo's ear. Kuroo flinched as he backs away.

"I didn't think they'd be pulled in as well!~" This time it was next to the frightened Hoshiumi.

"I was only planning on taking that fox's students....But....."

The guy smiled widely, as his eyes glowed a bloody red color.

"This doesn't seem too bad as well~..."

"Who are you?" Futakuchi calmly asked. As he continues to secretly heal Komori.

The guy raised an eyebrow as he looks at Futakuchi. When he realized what Futakuchi is, he smiled widely. "A spirit who specializes in healing?~"


Futakuchi wasn't even able to think when he was suddenly kicked by the abdomen, he flew away and rolled on the ground as he groaned in pain.

Coach Ukai and the rest became alarmed! "Futakuchi-san!"

Kyoutani cursed as he sprinted towards the mysterious guy. He made his nails longer and tried to stab him with it. But the guy dodged swiftly. Kyoutani realized that the situation they were in is pretty serious unlike he imagined...!

Kyoutani continues to hit the guy, but he just couldn't! It made Kyoutani lose his temper, the guy took advantage of Kyoutani's mistake and quickly kicked his head.

Kyoutani was about to dodge but it was just too fast for him, so his head hit the guy's leg, then it hit to the ground with a loud —BANG!

Dust formed around Kyoutani. He groaned as he felt a sticky liquid on his head.....He didn't know his opponent was much stronger than him....Kyoutani was in daze because he couldn't believe he just lost by one kick. He remembers Shoyo's teaching....Have a patient and calm mind. Once theres an opening, strike.

He lost because he was too impatient and loosed his temper. First, Futakuchi was injured, and now he's injured and couldn't move, he won't be able to protect the humans for a while...

The guy approached Kyoutani and stepped on his head. Kyoutani groaned weakly. "I didn't know that old fox's students can be so weak"

"What will your Sensei think huh?~ he will be so humiliated because of you! Hahaha!"

When Kyoutani and the guy started fighting, Komori was able to make a prison talisman. He was about to throw it at the 'distracted' guy to trap him....

But he didn't expect the guy to have eyes on his back as he side stepped, he twisted his body and brought out his palm towards the talisman. Then a black flame was summoned causing the talisman to burn.

Komori widened his eyes as he backed away in disbelief. "E-Evil Arts!"

No wonder they couldn't defeat him even though they were considered as powerful....Its because that guy has learned the Evil Arts that has been sealed a million years ago!

The guy grinned widely at Komori.

Komori didn't have time to react, and he was hit by a wave of strong dark aura. Komori who has pure aura, couldn't help but spit out a plenty amount of blood!

The Fox Spirit🍁☀ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐ | DISCONTINUED |Where stories live. Discover now