🍁Chapter 20 ~Past~

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A long long LONG time ago...

Shoyo was just sitting under his favourite cherry tree, sipping some tea as he enjoys his peaceful time.






The World is already at the peaceful times. But there will be troublesome fellows here and there.

But its usually now quiet after all the humans made an alliance with each other after the huge war where many lives has been lost.

The humans finally realized that if they continue the war. People will continue to lose their lives until there is non left.

And Shoyo is very glad that it is finally finished.


Everyone is now helping each other out and is learning how to love and love.

Back then when the war was still going on. Many couldn't afford to buy food, and the crops would get stolen by bandits, applying for a job is a no go 'cause they pay you so little, or, they don't pay you at all.

The humans had a very rough time back then.

And so, he created this rumor to the humans because of pity.

Whoever finds a certain spirit wandering around the mysterious forest ontop of the Miyagi mountain. Will be able to get a wish. Only if you do something for them in return.

The humans at the time were very desperate. So they tried to find the spirit in order to wish for something.

And so they did. They told him their wish and it came true.

The humans were very greatful to the spirit! They even started treating him like a God! They leave offerings to him and always pray to him.

But this was only a thousand years ago. Now that the humans were able to live a stable life. They slowly forgot about the spirit.

The old generations were the only people who last believed in the spirit. While the new generations were very skeptical and brushed it off as old peoples belief.

Shoyo wasn't sad. He only did this because he pitied the humans after all.

As he was going about his day, like purifying evil spirits and guiding the lost spirits. He was approached by Sakusa.

"Hinata-san." He called out.

"Is something the matter Sakusa-kun?" Shoyo asks.

"I want you to teach me the flute." He demanded.

Shoyo raised an eyebrow, and his fox ear twitches. "Is there a reason for you to learn it? Is it to impress someone? Or for your own entertainment?"

"What— no—? Yeah?— I don't know...Just teach me. Its not a big deal.." Sakusa helplessly sighs..

"I just....----------"

"Yes? I could not hear you." Shoyo rubbed his fox ears in confusion.

"I just want to be with you." Sakusa bluntly stated.

"I see. Okay. I shall teach you then." Shoyo slightly smiles.

Sakusa rubs his nape and sighed.

'It has already been a hundred years and he still does not get what I mean...'

"OH WHATS THIS?? OMI OMI IS LEARNING HOW TO PLAY THE FLUTE??" Atsumu suddenly appears behind Shoyo with a big smile.

"I want to learn how to play the flute as well Master." Osamu said, appearing behind Shoyo.

Sakusesa glared at the twins....He should have killed them a long time ago...

Shoyo nodded at the twins. "I shall teach you two as well."

"Yay!~" Atsumu cheered. While Osamu smiles.

The twins then looks at Sakusa with a smug look. Sakusa silently clicked his tongue....If Shoyo isn't looking, he really should just kill them.

Wondering wheres Futakuchi? He got a mission from Shoyo.

Shoyo created three flutes for his comrades. He then took out his own customized flute and sat under the cherry tree.

He then started teaching them the basics.

Ugly and screeching sounds can be heard around the area created by the three spirits who was just learning the flute.

Shoyo didn't mind and was very patient.

But I don't know about the animals and spirits there...

(Author: Poor things! They had to listen something so horrible! T0T...)

(Assistant-san: If I were there. I would rip my ears off and throw it at them.)

To Be Continued!

Yes, very short. Cuz I dunno what else to add there xd

At least y'all got a peek through our little fox spirit's past ^0^

Anyways! Have a great day/evening everyone!!~~♡♡♡♡

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