🍁Chapter 29 ~Victory!~

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Shoyo ran towards the gym that looked normal in the human's eye. But in the spirit's eye, it wasn't. Because there was a giant, dark misty ball that engulfed the gym.

"Prepare yourselves!" Shoyo reminded the twin brothers. They nodded as they hugged tighter on Shoyo's fluffy tail.

Shoyo sprinted inside the dark misty ball. Osamu and Atsumu gritted their teeth as they felt their wounds getting worse and worse. But Shoyo quickly surrounded them his pure aura to protect them from the dark mist.

Once they've successfully crashed inside. They saw their team standing inside a circle, and their spirit friends fighting the mysterious guy. (Who I haven't even named yet—)

"Sensei!" Futakuchi called out as he was the first to saw Shoyo.

Everyone looked towards the fox spirit who seemed to have changed since they last saw him....His hair was long, his eyes glowed bright, and his aura changed.

"Hinata!" Coach Ukai exclaimed with both surprise and relief.

"Shoyo!" Nishinoya happily smiled, his whole body that was tensed finally relaxed as he saw Shoyo walking towards them with the same expressionless look. But this time.....He seems quite mad..

"Oh thank the Heavens!" Asahi cried out.

"Chibi-chan!! You're finally here!" Oikawa laughs heartedly as he sniffled "Ahhhhh....I thought we were goners..."




Everyone called out to Shoyo's name as he finally stops in front of his spirit friends. Shoyo gently placed the twins down to the ground while he did so.

"Well, well, well~ what do we have here ah?" The mysterious guy grinned meaningfully.

Shoyo was silent as he stared at the guy with something hidden in his eyes...

"Didn't think you'd arrive so soon!" He laughed. "...But that is expected of you....After all, your friends are in danger~"

Shoyo leisurely walked towards the guy.

"Hinata...!" Kyoutani whisper yelled. He was about to go forward but Komori was able to stop him.

Komori looked at Kyoutani "Let sensei deal with him..."

Kyoutani gritted his teeth. He swatted Komori's hand away as he reluctantly stared at Shoyo's back.

"Is Hinata gonna be okay....?" Sugawara asked in a worried tone..

"Of course! Don't you remember what Komori said?? Shoyo-chan is a very powerful spirit!" Tendou said with full confidence and belief.

"...That is true...."

"Besides. If anything goes wrong....He has back up." Iwaizumi added.

"Boke..." Kageyama muttered....He was still very worried. He has seen how powerful that guy is! Sakusa and the rest can't even beat him!

Shoyo stops a few meters from the guy. "Today. I'm gonna end this all."
He declared as his aura bursted with killing intent.

The guy's clothes were blown away by such an amazing aura, and the same goes for everyone.

"W-Woah!—" Yaku sweatdrops. Everyone didn't feel the killing intent since it wasn't directed to them....But they can feel the burst of energy.

The mysterious guy crookedly grins, he felt his hand tremble from fear. But he didn't mind. Because only his body has a reaction, and not his mind.

The Fox Spirit🍁☀ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐ | DISCONTINUED |Where stories live. Discover now