🍁Chapter 5 ~Welcome to the team!~

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"I'll be cooking dinner, so just watch T.V. or something." Said Ukai as he walks towards the kitchen leaving Shoyo behind who is tilting his head in confusion.

Shoyo doesn't know what Ukai meant, and he doesn't know what to do so he just sat on the floor with his usual expressionless face, even tho it can't be seen cuz of dem mask.

After awhile has passed, Ukai went out to check on Shoyo to see what he's doing. But then he froze when he saw Shoyo just sitting on the floor not moving at all, he's like a statue...

Has he been sitting like that for half an hour????! Ukai thought as his sweat dropped.

"H-Hinata.....You know that there's a couch beside you right..?"

"Cou....Couch??" Shoyo looks up at him in confusion.

'Right.....I forgot that he doesn't know modern stuff...' Ukai smacks his head. How could he forget that?!

"It's where you sit, and it's more comfortable than sitting on the floor." Ukai said as he helps Shoyo up.

"Is that so..."

Shoyo nods his head and sat on the couch. After a few seconds has passed he then switches his position to laying down while sighing in satisfaction.

"You like it?" Ukai grins.

"It's magnificent." Shoyo exclaimed happily.

"Hahaha!! Well then, I'll go prepare the table since the rice is probably done now." Ukai walks back to the kitchen after Shoyo gave him a small nod.

Shoyo's ears and tails then pops out as he smiles comfortably. He doesn't really mind it when he hides his ears and tails.....It just feels uncomfortable if he hides it for too long.

Like a leg, when you don't move it, it'll go stiff and uncomfortable. Ukai then shouted from the dining table that it's time to eat, Shoyo then stood up from the couch and went to the dining table that is filled with delicious foods.

Someone like Shoyo doesn't need to eat, because even if he doesn't eat he still won't starve. But......Today is a good time to try what human's eat.

"Oh, you took out your ears and tails. Damn.....Your tails are huge and looks so soft to touch.." Ukai said while admiring the tails that is swaying.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Shoyo then sat down on the chair as he look at all the food.

'It looks very appetizing.' Shoyo thought.

"It's just a simple dish. Nothing too great. But lets eat now shall we??" Ukai said with a huge grin.

Ukai and Shoyo: "Thank you for the food/Thank you for the food!!"

Shoyo took off his mask and puts it beside him. He then ate a dish and his eyes started to sparkle making Ukai laugh a bit.

"Is it really that good??.." Ukai asked.

"Indeed." Shoyo nods, and continues to eat.

"Thanks! I've never really cooked for anyone before....My Mom usually cooks soo......"


Shoyo's mouth was filled with food making him look like a hamster, Ukai couldn't resist smiling at the guy.

"Tomorrow you'll be starting school! I asked a friend to buy you your school supplies and I also already have your uniform." Ukai said.

"Is that so?..........................." For some reason there was silence because Shoyo just stopped talking. Ukai looks at Shoyo in confusion.

The Fox Spirit🍁☀ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐ | DISCONTINUED |Where stories live. Discover now